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I'd probably release 2-3 chapters in total if I decide to write this. (would probably include it at the start of Volume 5 or the end of Volume 4, as a look back)



What about r:efn? Will you complete that soon? Also is there any hope of getting it on Amazon or in audio?


I'm betting Constantine was never satisfied with humanities' progress. He just kept getting worse and worse as if he was trying to build a castle out of dry sand.


To be frank with you, Sandy: Comparatively, income-wise, R:EFN earns me less than 1% of what R:A earns me. Hence, while I do plan on writing the last Volume, it is lower on my priority list and purely a labor out of love. There's a 0% chance of it getting to Amazon/Audio because I don't own the copyright to the series, despite being the author. (Long story about when I first got started with writing and signed the contract to the company that hired me, etc. I don't regret it because it got me to where I am now, but if I had the chance to do it differently, I obviously wouldn't have signed away the copyright. Then again, I might not have gotten to the position I am at now if I hadn't gotten my start there. I could "what if" that moment forever, it is what it is!)

Joshua Little

Would be interested but as long as it isn't taking too much time away from the main story. Wouldn't be bad for say a chapter interlude if it was something really important from the main timeline.


At most, I would write 2-3 chapters of this "side-story" perspective, before returning to writing the main story. Might just be a single long chapter with a bunch of different perspectives. I'd have to outline it before I could give an exact estimate.


Those perspectives might be interesting interludes, the way Sanderson does it in the Stormlight Archives. I have no idea how many volumes you intend but those insights could prolongs to coming volumes painting a picture without the MC having to frequently. Just thinking out loud….


so a novelette kinda thing eh, would definitely be interested!


I think it would be awesome if there was a prequel book about Michaels first timeline and how everything played out! Have you thought about writing one? Maybe not going into as much detail, but it would be cool to see Michaels perspective as a true 18 year old trying to figure everything out! But just a few chapters would be FANTASTIC as well!


Hmm I think this would be nice to have, but I would prefer a normal chapter over one like this so it would be better as a side project that didn't affect the wait for normal chapters


That is a fantastic idea! To expand on the idea a bit, it would really be enjoyable if you did this at the end of every layer, with like 1 - 3 chapters just doing some extra world building to make the 7 layers feel more alive and not just humanity's story but expand on the struggle of all the races to survive. You could even expand on the history of the various races in the Seven Layers, comparing Micheal's progress to his past self and also having him reflect on his actions on the current layer and where he could improve further. I'd also be interested in hearing more about Baron Lux and his actions against Constantine like talking to Dark Void or even how Dark Void came to be.

Kendelle Trotter

I'd love for that. Would prefer to save that for after we get past this portion of the plot though. I've been waiting for Micheal to get the titles system for ages.


Title system first but yes to all of this


I love your work. I can't say one way or another until I read it. You can go so many ways with the flashbacks to the first timeline. If you are providing glimpses to show character progression or regression I would definitely love it. I would really enjoy if the flashbacks foreshadowed hints about challenges to come or crazy abilities soon to be unlocked. Anyway you go I'm going to read it, best of luck with what you decide.


I cant wait because these articles are like crack drugs, but will wait fkr this brilliant idea Wise one! Thank you!!!

Nate El

Heck yeah!!