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Mathew Ritchie

The thing about being a pesamist is that all your suprises are good ones.


Now that you've actually successfully completed the 5-in-5, I guess I will be perverse, turn my coat and join the Doubters as suspicious absences are the best kind and all the fruits of defeat are going unclaimed. Gimme some of that humble pie! Yum.


Great job. Congrats a magical success Wiz!


How many titles can one person have at once?


Theoretically, there's no limit. Realistically, it's absurdly, absurdly, absurdly difficult to obtain even a single Title, let alone multiple.


It was the best surprise of all. It’s like an early Christmas present, filled with joy with so many chapters in one package. Always believed in you 100% *nervously sweating*😅

Donncha crowley

Okay building your main base on the second layer in the middle of the spawning grounds were people can appear makes no sense why because someone can appear as part of you . Two objects cannot occupy same space my two cents.


The area they moved to is open and treeless, a spot where no one will teleport into. I'll make an edit to the chapter to show this.




Amazing work, Wiz! That's genuinely super impressive. It can be so hard to write, especially when your mind creeps up on you and tells you that you can be doing anything but that. I love, love, love this story so much that I even upgraded my tier because I need more content haha. You're doing great, man!


Congrats on 5 in 5! Going to go for a streak? 6 in 6, 7 in 7? Have to push yourself and set a new PR. 😁


well done, liked all 5 of those chapters, they had a nice flow altogether


Would be interesting if there were some kind of category for rewarding those who believe it's possible enough (successfully completing the runs) to pay to see it (regardless if it happens or not). Perhaps a new 'TITLE' rank.