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R-a - Volume 4 - Chapter 34 (in editing-v2)

Micheal took a deep breath as he held his blade Lightshorn out in front of him, concentrating intensely on his surroundings. The long blade gleamed dimly, golden Sword Energy glittering along its edge.

Several dozen meters across from him, a Dark Wraith clad in a long, white robe watched Micheal with equal vigor, wielding two half-meter long grey wands in his hands.

Unlike the Shadow Seeker guards that existed outside the Soul King’s Inheritance, the vague, shadowy figure of a Dark Wraith was something that also held tangible substance. Like a human, they possessed organs and structural bones, only instead of blood running through their veins, Dark Wraiths relied upon magical energy to exist.

The Shadow Seeker guards were made in the image of Dark Wraiths, a rather understandable point given that the Inheritance was created by a Dark Wraith.

Micheal had already won three Duels. He had defeated the Elemental Sorcerers of Ice, Fire, and Earth. Now, he was facing the last of the 4 Dark Wraith Elemental Sorcerers:

The Elemental Sorcerer of Wind.

Unlike the previous 3 Duels, Micheal didn’t take this one lightly. As soon as he spawned in, he kept a strong watch on his opponent, letting nothing escape his senses.

These Dark Wraiths were said to be assistants that worked directly for the Soul King himself. Of them, the Elemental Sorcerer of Wind was the strongest. While he wasn’t a Master, he was a Dark Wraith that specialized in 1 on 1 combat.

In the adventure novels Micheal had read back on Earth, typically, Wizards that specialized in Fire Magic were seen as the most deadly or most powerful.

In the reality of the 7 Layers, however, that assumption was proven wrong.

Of the four most common types of Elemental Magic, it wasn’t Fire Magic that was the deadliest…

It was Wind Magic.

The Dark Wraith’s lips began to move, chanting a Spell that Micheal couldn’t hear.

Unlike the other Elemental Sorcerers, whose Spells were verbalized for Micheal to hear, this Wind Sorcerer channeled the wind to block off all sound coming from his mouth. Thus, he still cast his Spell, but without giving any hint of what type of Spell it was.

Micheal could make out the Dark Wraith’s moving lips, but that was all. Humanity’s shop auto-translated all spoken words, it didn’t give him the ability to read lips and comprehend.

As soon as Micheal saw the Dark Wraith’s lips move, he sprinted forward, kicking off the ground so hard it formed a small web of cracks. A cloud of dirt and dust formed in the air behind him, billowing about.

“Two...no, three? Three.” Micheal’s eyes gleamed as he leaned slightly to his right, then his left, and then did a small leap.

In the same moment he made each small adjustment, a blade of invisible wind slashed through exactly where he had been standing, missing him by inches. Those blades went on to cut through the cloud of dirt behind him, tearing it to pieces, and landed on the ground below.

As soon as they touched the floor, they ripped three long, jagged cuts in it, sending up clumps of dirt and dust.

“Not too shabby.”

Fire was flashy and bright, while wind was invisible and soundless. A massive explosion of Elemental Fire would definitely be enough to burn most enemies to a crisp… but a single slice of razorsharp Elemental Wind would achieve the same result, except with far more subtlety.

The Dark Wraith ignored Micheal’s comment and jumped up in the air, waving both wands it was holding out in front of it. A half second later, a large gust of wind exploded outward, simultaneously trying to blow Micheal away while letting the Wind Sorcerer fly high up into the air.

Micheal flared his Ki and stamped down hard to resist the wind, sending out two of his Life Orbs to his back to help push him forward.

The Dark Wraith gestured down harshly with both wands, chanting one more Spell.

Micheal’s eyes lit up as he picked up on every single shifting current of air, his battle focus raised to a point that was difficult to fathom.

‘It’s not a Domain Proclamation.’ His eyes narrowed as he felt the fluttering in the air. 

To create a Domain, there had to be an enormous concentration of controlled Elemental Energy centered on a single, stationary point. Spells, on the other hand, channeled Elemental Energy in a specific, moving pattern. 

Abruptly, his body reacted on its own, his instincts warning him to move.

In a single, smooth motion, Micheal jumped up into the air after the Dark Wraith.

The Wind Sorcerer jerked his hands to point at Micheal’s new position, but in the same moment it made that movement…

Micheal smiled as he activated his Cloud Stepping Shoes, jumping off of thin air.

After his second jump, Micheal cleared more than 10 meters of height.

Immediately below him, an enormous tentacle of invisible Elemental Wind smashed down exactly through where he had been.

The tentacle continued past Micheal and collided with the floor, forming a 3 meters wide and 15 meters long crater in the arena dirt. The cloud of dust that immediately flowed up as a result threatened to obscure the entire battlefield, blocking both Micheal and the Dark Wraith’s vision.

In response, Micheal simply shut his eyes for a split second, his senses spread outward.

Without even looking, Micheal cut forward, his right arm transforming into a blur.

Golden light flashed out and all went still.


‘You were definitely the best of the bunch.’

Micheal fell down to the ground with a quiet thud, using his Life Orbs to slow his fall once he came within range of the earth. After landing, he stamped hard with his right foot, infusing the movement with Sky Tier Ki, and sending out a large gust of wind. The earth cracked beneath his stomped foot, but the gust successfully cleared out the dust cloud, revealing the scene before him.

The Dark Wraith Wind Sorcerer lay on the ground, its body dissipating after being sliced in half.

‘I should make sure Sophia spars against you.’ With her Wind Sweeper Ability, as long as she devoted herself to training, manipulating Elemental Wind like a Dark Wraith Sorcerer was definitely something she could achieve.

“I’m all warmed up.” Micheal took a deep breath as he watched the body begin to disappear, stretching his arms and legs.

“It’s time.”

Warm green light surrounded Micheal, restoring his body and himself back to peak condition. Micheal shut his eyes tight as he enjoyed the feeling, doing his best to calm his beating heart.

‘In my first life, I never made it this far.’

During the original timeline, Micheal defeated the first three Dark Wraith Sorcerers, but failed to defeat the final fourth one. At the time, Micheal had yet to become a Master, a feat he only achieved on the 3rd Layer. Each Duel he fought had been one battled with his life on the line, bitterly risking everything he had to grow stronger.

The Wind Sorcerer's attacks had proved nigh impossible for him to detect at the time. Micheal had barely managed to concede during their first Duel, ending it mere seconds away from dying.

‘The records said you get teleported to-.’

Micheal’s thoughts cut off as he frowned, his gaze flickering from left to right in confusion.

‘Wait, what?’

He was still in the dirt arena.

‘The final Duel against the Soul King is supposed to take place outside a grand palace, isn’t it?’

While Micheal hadn’t managed to reach the final Duel in his first life, he was very familiar with what took place within it, thanks to previous participants sharing their experiences.

‘If I’m not being transported now… then that means…’

Micheal’s eyes widened.

‘I’m going to face a Recorded Clone of a previous challenger.’

For a brief moment, Micheal found himself stunned to silence.

‘Someone else found the Soul King’s Inheritance before me?!’

There was no record or history log that mentioned this. History said that Baron Fortuna was the first to discover the Soul King’s Inheritance and was the first participant, which had yet to happen in this timeline. This was a commonly accepted fact. 

‘Who on Earth..?’ Micheal’s thoughts trailed off as he saw a figure spawn into existence across from him.

Abruptly, time itself seemed to slow down.

Micheal’s heart spasmed, blood rushing to his ears as he looked straight forward.

Sweat oozed from his pores as his breathing turned ragged.

Standing before him was a human.

A man.

A man with long black hair, tied up in a fashionable ponytail, and a set of piercing blue eyes. He had a handsome, engaging appearance, with a strong chin and a small nose. His body was both tanned and toned, but not overly muscular, garbed in a pair of black slacks, black dress shoes, an impeccable white dress shirt, black tie, and black coat. He was the very spitting image of style.

In his hands was a deck of playing cards, glimmering with mysterious energy.

“Oh? How unexpected.” Constantine Lancaster smiled as he studied Micheal’s appearance,

“I didn’t think I’d meet another human in here.”



Rhett Sellers

dun dun dunnnn~!!! the plot thickens. soon it will be like mortar. :)

Malcolm Tent

Very nice. Finally get to see the Vile King fight. Michael should know at least a bit about his combat style though while he's going in blind.

Mathew Ritchie

Lightshorn,is it suposed to be light shorn or lights horn?Just wondering.


It's the name of his new sword. I'll edit the chapter to include a reminder, since it *is* a new weapon. Edit: Ah, you meant pronunciation. It's Light-shorn.


Ay yo, ima need an extra chapter because these cliffhangers are KILLING me. 😭


4 chapters out 5. Let's go!


There seemed to be some kind of logic where once Micheal knew it wasn't a Domain Proclamation, he knew it was something else and thus jumped using his Cloud Stepping Shoes and avoided it. (Presumably, if it was a Domain Proclamation, he would have done something else.) Anyway, were we expected to understand what actually happened? Because I didn't get it at all, and I'd like to.


Hmm, I could clarify that more. I'll go edit the chapter and do that! When a Domain Proclamation is about to take place, Micheal can sense an enormous amount of Elemental Energy gathering at one point, to an extreme degree, compared to Spells that channel the Energy, but don't focus it all on one point to the point of an explosive, outward spreading Domain.

Mathew Ritchie

Thanks it didn`t look obvious to me so now I know to read it as light shorn.


any chance thats not a real copy of Connie but rather some soul king ability... I mean Constantine is mad and all but he wants humanity to get stronger, there he got the perfect training ground and doesn't tell anybody, seems a bit out of character, also either fortuna is a liar or the future changed but Connie was already on the 3rd at the time Micheal started to have an influence, so only reason left would be fortuna got seeded the first time around between the povs we have seen and the date he found the entrance but that seems a bit much


In the first timeline, Baron Fortuna died on the Second Layer during the Great War, don't forget, and the Second Layer's historical records infamously incomplete. If he said something, it's entirely possible whatever he may or may have not said didn't make it into known history. As for why/what is happening with Constantine here... it will be revealed in the upcoming chapters! I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll just mention that his decisions will definitely be in-character. It'll all make sense when you read it!

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


I wonder if the crown is even still there?


Thanks for the chapter! Wasn't expecting Constantine to be in the Soul King's Trial, very interesting. Also, "long grey wands in her hands" should be "long grey wands in his hands"


Thanks for the chapter


You are having way too much fun! Nice job!

Idan tal

Damn, haven’t seen this coming. Thanks for the chapter


Can’t wait to see how you explain that only Constantine, and none of his seeds, entered the inheritance!


This is a small nit, but "During the original timeline, Micheal defeated the first 3 Dark Wraith Sorcerers, but failed to defeat the final fourth one." <== the convention is to spell out numbers smaller than 10, which is what you did with "fourth" but not for "3."


This isn't required, but "time" is used twice in two sentences. I would delete one of them? "The Wind Sorcerer's attacks had proved nigh impossible for him to detect at the time. Micheal had barely managed to concede in time during their Duel, ending mere seconds away from dying."


Hmm, that's a good point. I'll pick one or the other to go with.


Nice catch! Thanks! I'll make an edit to have it flow better without repetition.


"Micheal had already won three Duels. He defeated the Elemental Sorcerers of Ice, Fire, and Earth." <== If maintained as two sentences, the second sentence should also say "had" in it, to show that it happened in the past. This is particularly important because this chapter is written in the past tense, e.g. "Micheal took a deep breath..." So verbs in the past tense are actually happening "now." Another option is to merge the two sentences, e.g. "Micheal had already won three Duels by defeating the..."


Very nice catch! Fixed and corrected! Thank you!


"The Dark Wraith’s began to move, chanting a Spell that Micheal couldn’t hear." <== I believe "lips" is the missing word here? P.S. Sorry if I'm leaving too many comments today...


I appreciate any comment that helps me find a typo/error that I can correct. Anytime you see one, please feel free to leave a comment! I really appreciate it! Readers like you simply make the experience for others better, which is above and beyond! Thanks again!


"Immediately below him, an enormous tentacle of invisible, Elemental Wind smashed down exactly through where he had been." <== The comma after "invisible" should be deleted. The rule is that if you can delete an adjective and the sentence still makes sense, then you don't need a comma between that adjective and the noun it modifies. In this case, "invisible" (an adjective) modifies "Elemental Wind" (a compound noun). If you remove "invisible," the sentence still makes sense: "an enormous tentacle of [deleted] Elemental Wind smashed..." So adding a comma between "invisible" and "Elemental Wind" is not correct punctuation. (I'm sorry if this is patronizing, I was trying to give you the rule, not just the nit. xoxo)


so how did Constantine knew about the hmm this inheritance... how did he find it.. was it like yeah lets explore a place where ppl die? its like a chance to find this is 1 in a billion.. no? great stuff btw!!


That's a good point, Elemental Wind is a proper noun, nice catch! Fixed! (it's not a nit! You're 100% right!)


Hm, damn, 😂