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Dear Pink & Fluffi Patrons...

Thank you all so very much for your Patience & all the Well Wishes. :D  

The Cold lasted longer than expected, and while I'm having to take things a little slower than I would like (as the cold really left me feeling very drained of energy), But I'm very happy to say I'm able to return to my drawing board again. Which is a huge relief as I was really feeling super bored having to just lay in bed and rest. :)

I'm back to work as of today and I will have some PrincessVille Sissy Punishment Outfit Concept Designs posted over this weekend. :)

Thank you all again for your PInk & Fluffi Kind Words & Patience. ^_^

K@T ^^



Glad You're feeling better, miss K@T. ...! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Have an awesum weekend! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ XXX


Glad to hear you're on the mend! Take care of yourself and have a great day!


Thank you Roro *HuGGz* and I hope you have an Awesum but also Pink & Fluffi Weekend as well! :D:D:D


Thank you Celtic, *With Musical Minstrelly HuGGz* :D I hope have a Wonderful Day & Weekend as well. :D:D:D


I was getting worried, thanks for updating us! Staying healthy is getting harder to do these days because the world is getting smaller and catching someone's cold is easier than ever. Not to mention all the inherent health issues that people deal with whether it's genetic or poor habits. More than ever we must be vigilant and faithful to our body and mind, so that we can live happily and share our glorious talents. You Milady K@T are a treasure to me, I adore your work and admire your kinky mind that cares me to sinfully new heights. Be good to yourself K@T.


Thank you for your concern & the well-wishes, SendtheLove. *HuGGz* :) Thankfully it was nothing as bad as in the current news-headlines. The cold did keep me bed-bound for more than a few days and I think its going to be another several days+ before I'm totally over-it, but fortunately I'm hopful the worst of it, is gone now. :)


Glad you're better K@T, the community loses lots when you are missing.


Take your time, K@T, and rest a little.


Good to have you back in action K@t, honestly I can relate to the boredom of not being able to create when ill. Happy to see you can at least continue with what you love. ^^ take it easy where you can (though you'd probably already figured that out)


Thank you Raven, *HuGGz* I will definitely be taking a bit more care of myself, than I previously was. :)


Thank you Roxi, the one semi-good part of not being able to do anything and just laying there ill, was to be able to binge-watch a few shows (although its never as much fun when you're not feeling very well). I watched Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl & Batwoman up to & including the Crisis Crossover and several episodes of Grey's Anatomy. :D But I would much rather have been working. :D:D:D


Hey it's always good to catch up on shows. I took my recent 'forced to stay at home by flu' time to binge the Expanse. Wouldn't really have had the opportunity to do that otherwise. XD I still feel you though, it's always nice to get things back to normal after a time of not feeling too well. I'd say that being bed-bound (in the not-fun way) is usually a good opportunity to get some artistic ideas going, but for an NSFW artist I can see how that'd be a little problematic XD


I hope your also feeling better now after having the Flu, Roxi. :) I both agree and disagree, when I'm ill I do usually want to work so badly and I'll have idea's for images and things, but as soon as I try to sit up and actually attempt some work, after about 2-3 minutes I end up feeling exhausted and fighting back waves and waves of sneezings or worse... :-s The Expanse is on my 'to-watch' list, at some point. Did you enjoy it?


Magnificent. From the art-direction to how it chooses to handle it's science to the world-building, it's definitely worth the watch. I'm quite sceptical to the whole 'it has to be realistic' trend that's been going on in die-hard science-fiction enthusiasts, but this show manages to please both them and more casual viewers such as myself. It doesn't hit you with a whole Steven Hawking lecture everytime some new concept needs explaining, letting the show actually use it's visual medium as a form of explanation. Anywho! before I turn this into a ramble. It's definitely an easy recommend. Especially when you'd want a bit of a mental break from the frills, frocks, botox and silicone.