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Dear Prissy Flouncy Pink & Bouncy Patrons...

Thank You to everyone for the Birthday Wishes on Friday, I had a very lovely Birthday. :)

Sadly on the night of my birthday I started to come down with a bit of a cold. I had hoped to post the punishment outfit design pieces over this past weekend, but I haven't been able to even look down at my cintiq screen or sketch pad without waves of sneezes.

I'm hoping this will pass very, very quickly as I hate feeling ill. I think my all-nighters may have finally caught up with me... I will be picking-up some medication tomorrow, but in the mean time please accept my  Apologies for the not having posted anything over the course of the last few days.

I'm now going to go straight to bed in the hope that laying down flat will allow me to feel slightly less ill.

Sincerest Apologies Again.




Egh, sounds unpleasant. And what a day to come down with something. I hope you feel better soon!


Belated happy birthday, i hope you get a chance to celebrate later! Feel better soon!

Green Sea

hope you feel better and maybe take this as a sign to ease up on the all nighters as they can't be good for your health


We'll be here! Belated happy birthday! Please, get well soon! X


Ah bummer! Sneezy Birthdays are not fun, trust me I been there. Take care yourself, get your fluids up to flush out whatever bug you got, eat hearty, and rest consistently.


Thank you for the Well Wishes Myuphrid, I'm pleased to say I'm feeling much better now. :) Thankfully the cold didn't really hit me until the very end of my birthday day/ night, right before bedtime. ^^


Thank you Ava for the belated Birthday Wishes and Get-well wishes. :) I'm feeling much better now (than I was) and Thankfully it wasn't until the very end of my Birthday Day that the cold started to take hold. :)


Thank you Seamus for the well wishes, I will very much be looking into trying to settle on a much healthier work-day schedule. :)


Thankfully my birthday itself was a nice day, the cold didn't start to really show itself until the day was over and bedtime was looming. ^^


THat's good to hear! I'm glad it didn't spoil the festivities. Happy birthday!