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Dear Prissy Flouncy Pink & Bouncy Patrons...

I hope You've all been having a Super Fun & Joyful Holiday Period. :D

Thank you ALL for being so patient, After finishing the Strapford Pound I had planned to jump straight back into my patreon work, but it's been a little harder to jump back than I had hoped, so I'm just taking it slow, so not to burn-myself-out. If anything some of the wonderful art-related gifts I received over Christmas have helped re-ignite my artistic juices. ^^


So, I'm sure a lot of you have been wondering what will be following the Strapford Pound???

 The Answer to that Question is:



PrincessVille is a Private-Suburban-Gated-Community... 

Home of Alpha Women & Alpha Men! A Community where male & female Beta's are turned into Prissified & Bimbofied Toys for those Alpha's!

However unlike Amsterdamned, it's is a 'Community' where the characters ultimately do care for one another. While some male & female Toys are used for sexual means, it's because it's the best fit for their personality profile.


PrincessVille is a Story-World I have really been wanting to create for Years... 

In fact the Prissy-Princess-Poodle-Palace Salon is Located in the Centre of PrincessVille. So there will very likely be times where the Prissy-Princess-Poodle-Palace Salon is the Setting for one of these Mini-Comic-Strips.

One of the reasons it's taken me so long to announce this, is because ever since I've been able to sit-down and take some time to begin writing down some of my thoughts and ideas for the 'World of Princessville', the limit of what I would like to create in this Story-World just keeps expanding... 

And it's been a little overwhelming reigning in what concepts are genuinely feasible and what concepts are just me reaching a little bit too far this early in the conception process.


This is NOT an ongoing Story, at least Not in the Traditional Sense! 

Each Strip will be its own Tiny Little Self-Contained Story-Transformation-Sequence or Situation occurring somewhere within the Walls of PrincessVille.

There may be times when I return to a Character who's previously been featured, but 99.9% of the time the Mini-Strips will contain new Characters.


I'm still trying to find a drawing style I like for these strips, But I'm aiming to post the First PrincessVille Mini-Strip either Next Friday or the Following Friday.

I started drawing the First Mini-Strip Sequence last night, but I'm really not very keen on the drawing style I attempted. So back to the actual drawing board. ^^

The FIRST PrincessVille Mini-Strip will be FREE... So each of you can decide if you like this visual & story-telling medium. 


After the First Strip has been posted, The Mini-Strips will be included as part of my Patreons Main Pledge-Supported-Content (Paid For Content).


To those of you who've been so kind as to email and message me over the holiday period, Thank You for your very kind winter messages, I will reply back to each of you very soon. :)

Pink & Fluffi Happy Holidays Everyone! 

K@T ^^



Dov Sherman

Wonderful! I had been hoping to see more of this setting ever since your earlier Princess Palace pictures. And I love the idea of an unconnected mini-strip series approach.


Thank you Dov, I really am very excited to be able to finally indugle the PrincessVille world. Hopefully I'm able to do so in a way which will provide insight to all readers in to the Community of PrincessVille little by little, throughout the different Strips. ^^ It's also my hope with the unconnected strip format, that they'll be more enjoyable to read, since there Shouldn't be any lingering 'cliffhangers' or 'to-be continued moments', everytime I post one of them. :)


I'm really excited for these! I hope this format will be fun for you as well, since it gives you a lot of freedom in story-telling. Will these be similar to the one-page cow and airline bimbo comics?


I hope they reach up to your expectations Ava... I've created a fixed Landscape Frame Format for these pages, so each frame is the same size and allows for a much more linear and enjoyable work-process and hopefully a much easier to 'View' & 'Read', page layout for Everyone Else. :D