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Dear Prissy Flouncy Pink & Bouncy Patrons,

Let me start by saying Sorry... These past 2-3 months have been very long and very trying, at times for myself and I very much imagine for all of you as well. 

To those of you who have had no interest in the Strapford Pound's future you're probably sick of me posting & mentioning it. So this will be my last post bringing up the topic of the Strapford Pound here on my Patreon.

If you would like to Learn more about when the Strapford Pound will be posted on Lustomic & for how much please feel free to keep reading, but if not... Thank you one last time for your patience throughout this whole process.

=========== PiNK & FLUFFiNESS, K@T ^^  ===========

*) Firstly, On the 22nd of February 2019 I will Resume Posting the Strapford Pages for FREE on KatsCandy.com & my Social Media pages throughout 2019 & probably going into 2020! 

(Well on the social media pages that still allow adult-ish content). ^^



*) Release Date: Friday, the Friday 21st December 2018 

*) Duration of Temporary Purchasable Release: 2 Months: 

FROM *21st December 2018* - *21st February 2019*

*) Price: I believe it will be $8.99 - (for the FULL Strapford Pound Comic Story)


I know by saying these are the Final 6 pages, it doesn't sound like a lot... However part of the reason I have been using the vertical page format, was so that each so called 'page' would contain at least double sometimes triple the amount of images of a standard comic book page. 

To put that in to context... 

The Full Comics of:

*) Always a Bride *SNAP* Never a Man - (10 Standard Comic Pages) Had a Total of = 58 Frames.

*) Trophy Boi - (13 Standard Comic Pages)  Had a Total of = 74 Frames.

*) The Strapford Pound (Just the New Pages 12-17) =  86 Frames.

 All in all there's probably about 5-6 months of work in those last 86 Frames, as they also include 11 pages of the Original Strapford Pound Artwork among them. 

- The WHOLE Strapford Pound COMIC, Contains = 232 Frames (Across 35 Reformatted Pages for Lustomic)

- Pages 1-16 Have been Seen by the FREE Viewing Public

- Pages 1-21 Have been Seen by Patrons

- Pages 22-35 Are New.


In all honesty I would say the latter part of this story is weaker than I would have liked, delving into situational story-telling is a little out of my limited skill-set as a writer. 

Finishing the comic in such a manner has meant I wasn't able to spend another few months exploring & expanding on certain elements I would have liked. But I've tried to be consistent with the artwork and I hope those that those of you who do read it, find something you like.

It's never been my intention to place the Strapford Pound behind a pay-wall, which is why this it is only available for purchase temporarily. Because otherwise I could not have afforded to spend the last 2-3 months working 10-20 hours a day solely on the Strapford Pound without any income. Had I not done it this way, then the Strapford Pound as a comic would not have been completed.

I hope that whether you're someone who reads the Strapford Pound Comic This Week, OR Several Years from Now, that you'll find parts of the Story and/ or Artwork you can enjoy. 

Pink & Fluffiness

K@T ^^




Enjoyed the whole thing. Was everything i hoped it was going to be.


Thank You Mike, that's so nice of you to say, I'm so happy & very relieved to hear you enjoyed it. :D


Where can I find the completed comic as I am not finding it on Patreon?