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Muko trains to beat Kalita ... and Kalita goes on with her life, showing us an unexpected side of her...!


Ch.27: Playtime is over


ch.25: The taste of pancakes


All the links: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32773173




Well, it's a daytime episode of Muko and Kalita comparing their daily lives. I'm surprised that Kalita is a high school student applying for college and living a double life. Likewise, Muko and Cookie continue their training and will meet their trainer. Something tells me their new trainer is going to be Adelgund. I guess Harry is going to form a club based on reading those comments and having shown himself capable of making merchandise for her. He'd probably be the leader of her fanclub with Mellow and Shira. I was saddened by the hate mail that Muko got from Nyarai's fans( even the hypocritical one from a fan who's username was an admission of him wanting to lick Nyarai's feet) thanks to the Spotter article. Thankfully, Muko doesn't care and is focused on her goals. Overall, this chapter is a good focus on character perspective and insight.


I wonder who this new character is that looks so much like Kalita?