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Hello FFC-reader and Furry Fight fans!

There´s a lot I could talk about now, but I want to keep it (relatively) short. 

When I made public that book three was finished I cried. Because although the last page of the book says"To be continued..." I felt like this was the end.  

There will be now more updates for 20$-patrons for the time being. Everyone in the top-tier can delete their pledge if they want to, but if you keep it it will be purely as a donation without a reward from now on. 

FFC is in indefinite hiatus now. Frankly I don´t feel like continuing anymore. I have all the ideas for the rest of act 1 planned out and looked forward to realize them for years. A part of me still does. But the part of me that got disappointed, burned out and bitter overgrow my inherent drive to go on. 

I put all I could in this project for three years and finished 676 pages in total. I reached a point where something has to change or I give up FFC completely to move on and try something new. I need an outward incentive big enough to make me continue.

I would continue if I´d get at least 500$ of support each month for the comic. I´d draw a page for 100$, so the absolute minimum would be five pages a month. 

This shouldn´t sound like bribery. To be frank this isn´t meant to get people on board or increase their pledge. Because after gaining enough experience about this project I to 90 percent expect thatsome ultimatum won't change a thing. It´s rather meant as to show how unlikely it is that I will continue. 

Honestly it broke my heart. But I never planned to make this as a sole passion project, but to make money with it- the longterm goal of mine is still to get independent from commissions. The most money FFC made was through FFC-commissions. 

It´s fine to earn money with commissions, but this comic created more commissions than making me able to reduce them and still make a living of it. This wasn´t the plan. 

This comic developed into a problematic relationship. I went through months of doubts, often thinking and feeling the opposite what I felt the day before. The emotional roalercoasters made me crazy and ghastly. That was the phase of arguments. Then came the breake up-phase. Occasionally we were happy again, looking back on better times and continuing like before, out of pure habit. The breake up finally sunk in the past weeks, and finally I don´t have the urge to continue anymore. I got in a state where I am ready to  move on and still be proud for how far I came. It´s been the longest running project I ever did of my own, and even if it´s unfinished this achievement is undeniable. I´ll do my best to mend my heart from now on. 

The hiatus is in sight, but it will still be months till I posted all the finished chapters from book three. The last chapter will be made public in september 2020.

I think I will still leave this patreon-site be. All Patrons can change their pledge as they want. I´ll delete the old tiers when I have no more new stuff to post, and most likely reduce everything to a 1$-tier. As soon as 500 people donate a Dollar a month I continue FFC as long as the minimum goal is reached. 

As things look most likely though I´ll create something new. Something less personal, which I feel less devastated about if it fails and more in tune of what people expect and want from me. 



Jack Ponder

I understand. Am saddened by this but in the end the practical needs of life must come first. Gonna stick around anyhow 'cause the art is fun.


I want you to know that you have my support. You gave too much for us fans so you deserve to have something in return. Your happiness should be your number one priority. Thank you for all of your hard work. I will keep being your patron until the end and beyond.