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Dear patrons!

Thank you so much for the continued support
It bears repeating: you make all this possible and we're ever so grateful! ❤️
This month, we busied ourselves in Unreal Engine with figuring out why the anti-aliasing was messing with our timings and why there was a discrepency between the niagara preview and what we could see in the level.
We tweaked the settings for the anti-aliasing, removed the motion blur when not necessary, which makes for a sharper image and less "noise" when compressing it into the webm format.
Also in Unreal Engine, we found a way to loop a particle system quite consistently (which we had to do in After Effects for the longest time).
The limitation so far, without having to create multiple systems, is that the intro needs to be as long as the loop. We'll continue searching for an easy way to circumvent this limitation.
We always try to find a compromise between a short loop time and an acceptable/less noticeable repetition pattern. There are two reasons why.
The first reason is obvious, if the repetition is very noticeable, it breaks the illusion.
The second reason is the way Sequencer handles "complete" animations. As soon as a "complete" animation is dismissed, Sequencer finishes the loop before making the transition to the outro.
If the loop time is too long, as a DM, it creates this little confusion where you're not sure you've actually dismissed it and we try to avoid that when possible 😆

On other news, we have also started to organize the restructuration of our module.
When we create an animation, we always have some sort of idea as to how we think the animation can be used. Not to say how we think you should use it, of course!
We would never want to limit our users, we love how creative you can be with our assets and the whole point is for you to have fun.
The goal behind this classification would simply be the ease of searching for an asset for you, and the use of sorting them out for us!
So far, we like the idea of separating the animations by their initial purpose, sort of in the same vein as what Otigon did for Automated-Animations.
If an animation was "meant" or "designed" to be used on a token, it would be sorted into an "On Token" folder. If it's meant to be played from one position to another and has different dimensions to accommodate different disatances, it would be in the "Ranged" folder...etc
It's simple, yet we think it's effective and straight to the point.
Nothing is written in stone as of yet though.
There will be a testing phase, in parallel with our regular release, for those who want to contribute with the feedback and help us make this "2.0" version of our module as best as can be.

Featured Artist of the month: The Dungeon Archive!

We've seen some of their work on Reddit and Discord for quite some time and stumbled upon this map today. We liked it and thought we'd give them a shoutout. So, with their permission, here is The Dungeon Archive!

The Dungeon Archive is a group of creators who releases weekly fantasy battlemaps and much more content for TTRPGs.
As their project grows, they aim to enhance each release with additional content. This means that every month, they might include Animated Maps, Animated Tokens, Scene Illustrations like the Desert Garden Dome featured here, One-page Adventures, and more.
Everything pre-configured and ready-to-play in Foundry VTT.
Modular Maps is one of their most popular collections. With it you can quickly make your own Dungeon, Sewers, Forest, Caves, City, or improvise it as the party explores. And all Modular Maps are also available for Foundry, where every individual tile comes pre-configured with walls and lights. Just drag and drop the tiles into the scene and you are ready to go!
They recently also launched the World Map of Izar, the world where everything they create can be found, and that you can use in your own campaigns for free. This way you not only have an isolated battlemap, but a whole interconnected world to explore.
They always release the base maps for free, but if you want to support them and get all map variations, the Foundry VTT modules and everything else they make, we strongly recommend you check them out at The Dungeon Archive Patreon.

- Contents of the release -

Energy Attack

This asset can be interpreted in quite a few different ways. We'll let you be the judge 😉

Tokens in this post are created by "Forgotten Adventures". See their Patreon page for more !

Bats, Butterflies and fireflies

Only a couple of variations for the bats as they required a bit more work. However the butterflies and fairies have a lot of variations!

Patreon Requests

We made the green and green green-orange versions of the teleport but haven't gotten around to the Aura template yet.
We also tried having a look at the reverse version of Detect Magic. The project file on After Effects is very complex and kept crashing. 😖
So, a bit frustrated, we came to the conclusion that we could and probably should make a version in Unreal... 😂

As always, you can check all the new assets by browsing through our Asset Viewer or read our Patchnotes.

Link to the Master Post

Link to the Token Animator Download Post (Epic and above only !)

Additional links

Thanks again and see you all next month!😊
Jules&Ben 🖖



The energy attack animation is literally just what I was needing for Chaos Hammer. Its even got a multicolored option :D Also loving those butterfly animations, I think I can definitely find a use for them :3

Carlos C.

Is the update not up on Forge yet? 0.6.4 is the latest still.


Still an hour to go on the upload!! The Forge should be able to pick it up straight away, once that's done :)