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Hello Patrons !

EDIT : Thanks for participating in this Trello board. 

We have since moved on to a Google form survey, followed by a Patron poll directly in our Discord Server, which allows for a weighted vote system !

previous text : We'd like to try an experiment with you. We've built a Trello board with suggestions from the community shared in our #ideas-suggestions Discord channel. The idea would be to give us insight on what animations you, as patrons, would like to have. All patrons could vote on any of the suggestion cards. Please only vote or comment as we'd need to pay a subscription to prevent you from editing or removing the cards ! And we would only consider investing in this if it's a feature you enjoy and find useful. Any constructive feedback is welcome and appreciated. Thank you ! 




Made a Trello account but I can't see the voting system. Also the warning about not touching anything makes me afraid to look around to try and find it!! :D


Haha ! You can click on the cards for each suggestion and click on the thumbs up 'vote' icon on the bottom right. Just try not to move the cards around or edit the text, archive the card ...etc :D


Ahh gotcha! Thank you. Fireball here I come. :)

Griffon Walker

I think you could easier votes throw a firm on top of a google sheet. No sub needed.


We thought about Google sheet but opted for Trello as it's way more manageable. But maybe we need to look into forms as you're suggesting.

Griffon Walker

It's pretty straight forward and you don't need t to worry about all the don't touch anything else stuff, https://sites.google.com/a/pjrprojects.co.uk/sitesguide/google-sites/how-tos/create-a-poll-using-google-forms


There's also just setting up a straw poll? https://strawpoll.com


I think you can set the permissions in such a way that others can't move the items except you, while still be able to vote.


It's a paid feature I believe, so we wanted to try it out and possibly explore other options before commiting ! Or maybe we missed something ?


Hmm that could be true, I only seen it used with a software supplier and I've no idea if they pay for it, so I guess it's paid then?

Austin W

Casting my vote for Star Wars assets haha