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"Estoy bien así" dijo Jacob, mientras continuaba alejándose por una de las cavernas.

"ah, está bien, disculpa" respondió Salem mientras salía de las cálidas aguas.

"Eh?, que haces?" pregunto Jacob mientras veía como Salem se acercaba a su ropa y se comenzaba a vestir.

"Debí preguntarte primero antes de venir aquí, lo siento es obvio que te sientes incómodo" dijo Salem mientras se ponía la camisa.

Jacob puso su mochila frente a él cubriendo la erección que no disminuía, "Que?, no, no es eso, solo quiero ir al baño antes, pero bueno, espera" dijo mientras se sentaba en una roca y comenzaba a quitarse la ropa mientras la guardaba en la mochila.

"bien ya estoy desnudo, puedo ir al baño ahora?" dijo Jacob sonriendo, con la mochila cubriéndose aun la entrepierna.

Salem sonrió mientras apuntaba a la mochila.

"ah?, me... me quieres ver el pene?" pregunto Jacob sonrojado.

Salem soltó una carcajada que hizo eco en el lugar, "no zopenco", dijo aun riendo, "me preguntaba a donde llevas la mochila?, porque no la dejas aquí?, temes que te vaya a robar o qué?"

"que?, no pero... voy al baño... y el papel está dentro de la mochila", dijo esto último Jacob casi en un susurro.

"Oh!, vas a cagar!, dime eso" rio Salem mientras se comenzaba a desnudar nuevamente, "ojalá no apestes toda la cueva" dijo riendo mientras se metía al agua nuevamente.

Jacob vio embobado por un momento la espalda, y trasero de Salem, "que hermoso" dijo sin querer.

"eh?, dijiste algo" pregunto Salem sonrojado.

"No, no, ya regreso", respondió Jacob mientras se alejaba rápidamente.

Después de alejarse lo suficiente para que Salem no lo viera, Jacob se sentó en una roca, y se puso a pensar en las opciones que tenía, mientras su miembro palpitaba bajo de él.

Un rato después suspiro, y decidido que lo mejor sería...


"I'm fine like this," Jacob said, as he continued walking away through one of the caverns.

"Oh, okay, sorry" Salem replied as he stepped out of the warm water.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Jacob asked as he watched Salem approach his clothes and began to dress.

"I should have asked you first before coming here, I'm sorry it's obvious you're uncomfortable," Salem said as he put on his shirt.

Jacob put his backpack in front of him covering his undiminished erection, "What?, no, it's not that, I just want to go to the bathroom first, but well, wait" he said as he sat on a rock and began to remove his clothes while he kept it in his backpack.

"Okay I'm already naked, can I go to the bathroom now?" Jacob said smiling, with the backpack still covering his crotch.

Salem smiled as he pointed to the backpack.

"ah? do you... do you want to see my dick?" Jacob asked blushing.

Salem let out a laugh that echoed in the place, "no dunce", he said, still laughing, "I was wondering where you take your backpack? Why don't you leave it here? Are you afraid I'm going to rob you or what?"

"What? no, but... I go to the bathroom... and the paper is inside the backpack", said Jacob almost in a whisper.

"Oh!, you're going to shit!, tell me that" Salem laughed as he began to undress again, "I hope you don't stink up the whole cave," he said laughing as he went back into the water.

Jacob stared at Salem's back and rear for a moment, "how beautiful" he said unintentionally.

"Huh, you said something," Salem asked blushing.

"No, no, I'll be right back," Jacob replied as he hurried away.

After getting far enough away that Salem couldn't see him, Jacob sat down on a rock, thinking about his options, his member throbbing beneath him.

A while later he sighed and decided that the best thing would be...



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