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Después de un rato de andar Salem y Jacob llegaron al pie de una montaña, Salem se paró viéndola orgulloso, mientras que Jacob veía la montaña y veía a Salem con cara de "Que mierdas?"...

"Caminamos casi dos horas, para ver una montaña?" dijo Jacob con un tono ligeramente molesto.

"Algo así" respondió Salem entre risas, y antes de que Jacob dijera algo más, Salem se metió entre unos arbustos, desapareciendo de la vista de Jacob.

"Salem?" dijo Jacob acercándose al arbusto y moviendo las ramas, para encontrar una abertura, como una entrada a las entrañas de aquella montaña frente a él.

"Vas a venir o no?" grito Salem desde adentro.

Jacob dudo pero después de un suspiro, se deslizo despacio por aquella entrada, temiendo por momentos quedar atascado entre las paredes estrechas de aquel pasillo.

Unos minutos después sintió el calor pegar de lleno en su cara, lo cual le hizo cerrar los ojos el aire era fresco afuera, pero aquí se sentía tan...

"que demon..." iba decir Jacob cuando vio el paisaje frente a él, del techo una pequeña abertura iluminaba aquel lugar, y en medio del lugar y rodeado por distintas cavernas se encontraba un ojo de aguas termales, "es hermoso" pensó Jacob.

"Verdad que es precioso" dijo Salem viendo la cara anonadada de Jacob.

Jacob solo pudo asentir con la cabeza mientras miraba el paisaje frente a él.

"Lo encontré por accidente unos días atrás, en una de mis caminatas matutinas, estuve un par de horas en las aguas, y nadie vino, creo que es uno de esos lugares que no se habían encontrado, a que tuve suerte" dijo Salem palmeando la espalda de Jacob, para después comenzar a quitarse la ropa.

"q-que haces?" pregunto Jacob, viendo como su amigo se desnudaba frente a él y entraba al ojo de agua.

"eh?, pues disfrutar de las aguas, después de todo a eso vinimos, o no te gustan?" pregunto Salem viendo incrédulo a Jacob.

"sí pero..." dijo Jacob mirando a Salem desnudo frente a él, y sintiendo como su miembro comenzaba a erectarse, "es que necesito ir al baño primero".

"wey aquí no hay baños" dijo Salem aun viendo a Jacob.

"Bueno alguna de esas cavernas me servirá, o prefieres que me orine dentro de las aguas", respondió Jacob dándole la espalda a Salem, para que no viera como su miembro cada vez se hacía más notorio a través de su pantalón.

"ok, solo no te alejes mucho, no eh explorado estas cuevas y no se a dónde vayan a dar las distintas entradas, igual quítate de una vez la ropa, está muy caliente aquí, déjala ahí sobre la mía.

Jacob sabiendo que si lo hacia su pene quedaría erecto y expuesto ante Salem decidio...


After walking for a while Salem and Jacob arrived at the foot of a mountain, Salem stood looking at it proudly, while Jacob looked at the mountain and saw Salem with a face like "What the fuck?"...

"We walked almost two hours, to see a mountain?" Jacob said with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Something like that" Salem replied between laughs, and before Jacob could say anything else, Salem ducked into some bushes, disappearing from Jacob's sight.

"Salem?",  Jacob said approaching the bush and moving the branches, to find an opening, like an entrance to the bowels of that mountain in front of him.

"Are you coming or not?" Salem yelled from inside.

Jacob hesitated but after a sigh, he slowly slipped through that entrance, fearing at times that he would get stuck between the narrow walls of that corridor.

A few minutes later he felt the heat hit his face full, which made him close his eyes. The air was cool outside, but here he felt so...

"What the hell..." Jacob was going to say when he saw the landscape in front of him, a small opening in the ceiling illuminated that place, and in the middle place and surrounded by different caverns was an eye of hot springs, "it's beautiful" Jacob thought.

"It's really beautiful," said Salem looking at Jacob's stunned face.

Jacob could only nod as he looked at the scenery in front of him.

"I found it by accident a few days ago, on one of my morning walks, I was in the water for a couple of hours, and no one came, I think it's one of those places that hadn't been found, I was lucky," Salem said patting  Jacob's back, and later beginning to remove his clothes.

"what are you doing?" Jacob asked, watching as his friend undressed in front of him and entered the spring.

"Eh? Well, enjoy the waters, after all, that's what we came for, or don't you like them?" Salem asked, looking at Jacob incredulously.

"Yes but..." Jacob said, looking at Salem naked in front of him, and feeling how his member began to get erect, "I need to go to the bathroom first."

"Bro there are no bathrooms here," Salem said still looking at Jacob.

"Well, one of those caverns will work for me, or do you prefer that I piss in the waters", replied Jacob, turning his back on Salem, so that he wouldn't see how his dick was becoming more and more noticeable inside of his pants.

"Okay, just don't go too far, I haven't explored these caves and I don't know where the different entrances lead take off your clothes at once, it's very hot here, leave them there on top of mine," said Salem.

Jacob knew that if he did that his dick erect be exposed in front of Salem, then...



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