STL clarification for those who think something has been removed - it hasnt :) (Patreon)
The monthly STL releases still are shared with patrons for the months they support in.
So november supporters will get the november pack, plus whatever the throwback was in november, plus the welcome pack.
The new MMF store thing is just if people want to access specific stuff sooner than they would get from a throwback :)
We ARE also behind on our monthly releases currently but catching up rapidly (2 releases a month currently) - those late releases are shared with patrons who supported in that backdated month that the packs are for (so for example the recent pipes releases were shared with those who were patrons in july/august, as that is the month those releases were MEANT to come out in!)
You WILL get your monthly STLs, and your throwbacks, and the welcome pack. the monthly releases are just a little behind schedule, and you can now buy older stuff instead of waiting for a throwback :)