Update - I've had an awful few days, but I'm bouncing back! (Patreon)
Hi guys,
So those of you who were at the livestream are probably not surprised to learn I was horribly ill for the last two days - you guys definitely cheered me up though!
I've done my best to reply to messages and comments as normal, but if I didn't manage to get back to you I apologise.
I'm pretty sure this illness was due to stress/burnout. I am feeling a little bit better, but I do still have a lot on my plate. Luckily I've got a family holiday coming on the 22nd for a week, where I'm hoping to recharge my batteries properly!
So what else has been going on?
Firstly, I found out from other creators that it looks like a YouTube algorithm change is screwing certain channels. Apparently YouTube is trying to push creators to release every 3-4 DAYS, presumably to push its new #shorts feature.
Obviously this is terrible for creators like me, who can't possibly get content out that fast. The good news is, apparently this pattern is likely to shift again sooner or later, so my plan is to just keep going as I am…
Secondly, being ill these last couple of days has made it pretty much impossible to get the crafting video that you guys voted for finished in time BEFORE I go on holiday.
To make sure you still have a video released before I go, I'm working on a quicker, much requested video on what pieces I recommend making first, and generally where to find all the updates to each piece!
I will also be working on the other video and release it when I come back - as the vote was so close I'm aiming to do the mushrooms first, I'll talk more about this soon :)
There is also a thirdly, but I'm not quite ready to talk about that yet, and I'll let you guys know when I am…
Hope that's all good insight for you guys. Thank you so much for all the support - I really appreciate how understanding you've been, and I'll be back with another update when I've got more to show!