Update - So I've been having a bad day... (Patreon)
Hi Guys,
Just a quick update because I like to let you guys in on the ups and downs behind the scenes where I can!
Yesterday, both my handheld hot wire, and my glue gun, both broke, and today the delivery of the replacement hot wire (which I still need to complete a fair chunk of what I'm making) has been delayed by a few days.
This doesn't really change a great deal for you guys, the video will take as long to get made as it takes, and I'm MOSTLY managing to get stuff done out-of-order to keep the production moving.
What it did really bring home though, is how much I spend on equipment and supplies for the channel now I'm making things at a faster pace, and how invaluable your support has really become!
So I thought I'd make this post and say thank you. Again. Probably not gonna stop doing that anytime soon, words really can't express how much I appreciate your support.
Any of you guys have hit on similar snags recently? I could use some relatable stories to cheer me up 😅