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So. I've been quiet for a while, I know. I'm sorry. Went to the doc's and found out my levels were all sorts of screwed up, so that's a big part of why I've been feeling like crap. I'm on new meds now and we're hoping that'll fix things, so, you know. Hopefully that works.

In the meantime, I've been trying to edit Adapt, and words ARE getting added and it's getting better, but that's not really progress I can show. Trying to get through it so I can finally really start book 5. But, of course, last night I had another dream about a story, and it wouldn't get out of my head until I wrote it. All day. So yeah, here's three chapters of a new story.  I know it's not what you want, but it's...something?

No, I'm not planning on continuing with this currently. I was just trying to get enough of it down to have the idea firmly fixed so it would leave me alone. As you might see, it still has a bit of worldbuilding I'd need to do before I continue anyway.

Hope you've all been well, and thank you so much for sticking with me through my silence. Y'all are amazing.


Step Up

Chapter One "Shit." Vivianna stared at the sign declaring the elevator 'under maintenance' and couldn't help the expletive that leaked out. Slowly, she turned to the stairwell and dragged her tired body to it, wincing with every step of her four-inch stilettos. She should have grabbed her flats ...



It's good to hear from you, hope the meds help you out. And thanks for the story!

Christine Stewart

Hope the new meds help. Really enjoyed the beginning. Take care of yourself.

Samuel Strode

More story please I know you said you weren’t going to focus on this one but please finish the first book it’s too good not to see more


Take care. But seriously, I am hooked! I'd love to see where this story goes!