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As a matter of accountability, here is the plan. At MDP summit this last weekend, I set goals that I am gonna do my best to keep. However, my brain is not always great at goals, so I'm making them public in the attempt to trick my brain into following them. There are two 'big' goals.

1) Finish the omni edit of Sense by June 21st. This is going to possibly be a bit tricky for me because I also have to move by June 18th and I don't have that settled, trying to find a third rommate, etc, so I'm stressed.

2) Write and publish Domain(book 5 of AToP) before the end of the year.

To help with that, I'm doing small goals, like editing a minimum of two chapters a day for Sense, etc. However, here's where you might be able to help. On discord, I go into my voice chat Workspace. I find that I work better with body doubles and I'm trying to get into a writing sprints where I work for X amount and then can maybe chat a bit and do bio break before getting back into again, etc.

So if you are interested in that, please join me. I'm trying to be more consistent. This also means I need help of people keeping me ON track and not distracted when I'm working. If you want to help me edit by watching and giving suggestions if you notice something, go ahead. If you want to just be there as a body double but doing something else, you're welcome too, as long as you don't distract me unless we're on a break. I'm going to be a lot more strict about this to protect my process. If you're a writer, join me, do sprints. I would love to have people there with the same goals of getting stuff done by hacking my ADHD brain.

So yeah. That's the plan. If you need someone to work with you, just ask in chat if I'm up for a body double. You guys are awesome, and I'm grateful for all the help.


Patrick Weddell

Sounds awesome. ... I may actually join for some of that.