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Happy Monday darlings, 

I received a notification on Friday that my content has been flagged from promoting sexual violence and if left unresolved my account here may be suspended. 

I wrote to Patreon this morning to seek clarity on what exactly I am doing that is promoting such things as my content promotes consent. 

It is my hope is that you learn your value baby boy. That you always know you are able to say no. That you know to walk away from a relationship that isn't healthy.

So many women that claim to be Dommes are, in my opinion, simply abusive. I talked about that HERE and if you haven't listened to it...I encourage you to do so. 

That said, I removed all the consensual non-con that I could find. Simply to ensure we don't loose this space.

Nothing I make is violent, but a fellow creator said he has struggled with in the past and the solution is no CNC, even if not violent. 

If Patreon offers clarity on this topic...I will re-upload them...but for now they are gone. Unfortunately I may need to pull more audios. I will let you know if that happens.

Let's endeavor to stay safe, sane, and consensual as we play in fantasy as well as reality.

Miss Wendy



I thought the consent was if we, as the listener, chose to hit play. If we don't like it, then we got stop. But that's just me, I don't understand the world we live in. Do you think these will have a future link, or would you have a list for us to download incase these are gone for good? Asking for a friend Miss Wendy lol

Nameless Ghoul

So sorry to hear that this happened to you, Miss Wendy. You do what you have to, to keep your patreon up. Still, itā€™s sad that they did this. Hugs from a nameless Ghoul šŸ–¤


I won't be able to link anything in here that "violets the community guidelines." No links will live here if they deem CNC violence.


It saddens me that people who have no idea about kink get to decide about stuff they obviously have no clue about and try to take away other people's safe space like that. We, as listeners, give consent to engage in the fantasy of non-con. Nobody gets hurt and you can always stop if it is too much. I'm really sorry this happened to you, Miss Wendy. You don't deserve this. You gave us such a wonderful place here and I hope, Patreon will realize their mistake at some point, so that you can reupload those audios. Keep being as wonderful as you are!


I'm really sorry you have to deal with this Miss Wendy. Don't know if someone from Patreon actually listened to your content but this seems so ridiculous on their part. Take it easy on yourself Miss, sending you positive energy šŸ™‚.

Mika Koverola

Sadly, algorithms are blind to nuance and the mess of guidelines / rules / prohibitions does not help. This is a constant problem on all platforms. Thank you for letting us know, Miss Wendy


I just LOVE when this kind of crap happens.[/sarcasm] Thank you for keeping me safe, Morality Police. Seriously, we're all distraught you are having to deal with this. People are hard enough to deal with but machines don't care. The level of thought and care you put into educating people is amazing. Your boys are behind you, Miss. Know that.


Damn, thatā€™s messed up and kinda ridiculous. Itā€™s CONSENSUAL NonConā€¦I guess not everything works out. I really hope things get better for you miss wendy. Sending Hugs and positive vibes!


*hugs* I'm at a loss of words, Miss Wendy. nothing better to do than to move onwards. šŸ’

Jared Chinchello

Thank you for the heads up Miss, I do hope it turns out alright.


Manly women are, strong women Johnā€¦


Try not to worry, though. Hopefully patreon will provide some reasonable clarifications soon and maybe you'll re-upload those audios!


I say this constantly: the longer I live in this world, the more I feel like I just donā€™t belong. I donā€™t understand how anyone could possibly misconstrue what You attempt to do as anything other than supportive and empowering. There are countlessly, blatant and unapologetic examples available for anyone who wishes to launch their own person crusade against the predatory and vicious. THIS is not one of them! Iā€™m sorry if this sounds like a rant, and I canā€™t imagine what You must be going through, Miss Wendy, but I know I encounter so much pain and ugliness in daily life that it hurts to see one of the few good things left being attacked because the accusers are either too ignorant to understand what it is theyā€™re observing, too lazy to investigate their concerns, or a combination of the two. Iā€™m sorry, but incidents like this are why Iā€™ve lost faith in people as a whole. Please hang in there, Miss Wendy. You may be one of the last kind souls out there. This momentary, infantile rebuke pales in comparison to the massive amount of good that You do.


Oh man. I hope some of my favourite audios are in tact.


Thank you darling...sometimes I question my sanity on these things. It's nice to read that my intentions are indeed communicated to you.

Markus Eckstein

Letā€™s not forget that there is an audience for your content, people who appreciate and enjoy being both entertained and educated about the not so vanilla aspects of human interactions. It would be far more sobering if that part of your work would disappear because no one was listening to or appreciating it. Today Patreon is the go to platform, tomorrow there will be a better one if thereā€™s a need for it. Just another bump in the road. Good luck Miss, I know you can pull it off, thereā€™s a huge fan base behind you.


Yeah...I will be shopping. The unfortunate reality is that Patreon is simply the middle man. The pressure to censor seems to be coming from the financial institutions. In a sense...Patreon is protecting their...and by extension...my ability to make money. That said...yes...this is but a bump in the road and Rush and I are working rather hard to make sure our space here doesn't disappear.


This is more of the Religious Right, who are usually busy this time of year have a make believe war on Christmas. They like to tell others what is wholesome while they get arrested at a run down roadside motel, a bag of meth and a male prostitute they were "counseling in the ways of the lord." Keep us informed.


Well ... it's sad that this is happening, but we can't do anything about it, but only accept and submit to Patreon's policy ...

Tom O

Thank you for your creativity and caring. I find it quite sad to have such restrictions imposed. To me, I consent by being your patron. If something is not for me I can go to the next offering. No one is making me subscribe or listen. I do not need others deciding what my boundaries should be. Know that your body of work is not only entertaining but has helped me explore safely. Thank you.