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🎁 Christmas is coming...looming in front of us..the count down has begun.

🎁 So many of you have contacted me and asked if you can send me a gift.

🎁 In response...I recorded a little something for you to listen to...

πŸ˜‰ A call to action if you will.

🎁 I have something I DO want from all of you this holiday season.

🎁 Let me know below if you accept this challenge.

🎁 So curious how many of you good boys that do as you are told in the audio....

🎁 What ever do I mean?? *giggle* Not telling you via text.

πŸŽ„ I do hope this post blows up with all the wonderful new experiences my boys experience this year.

Improvisation by Miss Wendy
Editing by Rush

Tags: challenge game wendy-planning 




This might be the hardest challenge i ever considered taking...

J.M. Allison

Yes, Miss Wendy. Challenge accepted. πŸ™‚

Joshua Cardona

I will have a think on this...time for some big brain moves...


This is going to be difficult. I am a much better giver than receiver especially when it comes to physical contact. Physical contact with strangers is mostly just unfathomable. But if it was easy it wouldn't be a challenge right? Hmmm πŸ€” Ok, I'm in.


A challenge more difficult than NNN… For you, Miss Wendy, challenge accepted.


My therapist has been gently pushing me to take up your challenge for a couple years now but I also feel...awkward about it. New experiences and all that. Don't know if I'll succeed but I will put forward my best effort. I know I need it.


Your call to action is what everyone needs! It really gives you incentive and motivation. Great idea!


Great challenge. I haven't gotten a message in years after the place I felt was nice closed. Maybe time to look if I can find a new place. Thanks for you push. And doubly thank for the acceptance in this wonderful message :)


You can hire people to cuddle you? I never knew of such things.

Jared Chinchello

I have been meaning to get my hair trimmed, I just don't have a lot of free time and lately it seems that interaction with strangers leaves me feeling drained. However I will try. Thank you Miss Wendy.


Of course, Miss Wendy. Challenge accepted. Thank you, Miss Wendy. ☺️


I heard about it a few years ago. I'm not sure how Covid has affected it, though.


A cute audio, we will do our best, I'll be a brat about it but I'll do something :P. Thank you for being so good to us


Take care of your body. You've only got one πŸ’š


I'm seeing a chiropractor in a couple weeks. Does this count Miss Wendy?


So...I ended up going out yesterday after listening to this audio and went and got a hair cut, along with a 2 towel facial and scalp massage. I felt so relaxed and let the world melt away....it was amazing. Afterwards though, while on the bus heading home, I started thinking: Ever since I was a friend's caregiver (story for another time), I started preferring taking care of others over myself. I ended up crying a bit because I want to get better about that. I was having doubts for a few hours, but I managed to step over those hurdles and am looking to the future. I realize that helping others is good, I am also allowed to say "I need to take care of me as well." I think listening to this was a wake-up call for me. Thank you, Miss Wendy. I appreciate this wake-up call.


My sister gets a massage before she goes to the chiropractor. It makes the adjustments more effective thanks to the tension out of the muscles. So, why not both?


It sounds interesting)) You have a very pleasant and comfortable voice. Have a great Christmas mood!


I think this challenge has come along at time when I have been thinking along similar lines of self care, and when I listened to this audio, it struck that now would be a good time to undertake such a challenge!


I did it, Miss Wendy... well, I did a half step. I booked an appointment for later this Sunday at a local Thai massage shop. I'm kinda excited, but also a lil' nervous. lol. I told the lady at the reception that this is my first time, and she was sorta taken aback, lol. she asked if I want a man or a lady masseuse... and naturally I made the only right choice. πŸ˜‚ thank you for giving me the courage to try out something new, pushing outside of comfort zones. thank you Miss Wendy. πŸ₯°πŸ’


*hugs* Good boy...this is a tough challenge and you DIT IT! Well done. The simple truth is (the one I still sometimes forget) we can't really take care of anyone on an empty bucket. But if we do learn to make sure our human needs are met...we are a much more powerful ally in the world for good. Now...to keep reminding each other...*wink*


aww... thank you Miss Wendy. I went through some of the older posts, read the comments, while sorting Your Library... feeling nostalgic... I would love for you to know that, in the same way us boys give you confidence, inspire you to push outside of your comfort zone, you inspire the same on me as well, on more than one occasion, in fact. I love that you always find ways to challenge us to do something new and have fun with it. I do not think I would be inspired to grow, and be adventurous, have I never met you, seriously. thank you Mistress. πŸ’πŸ₯°

Abdul Qayyum (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-24 00:30:47 Hello Miss Wendy, First of all i want to thank you so much for always taking care of us your lost boys. 😊 For this challenge I have treating myself with yummy foods and drinks that i craved soo much such as ramen 🍜 and boba tea πŸ§‹ πŸ˜„ I think i had been harsh on myself and neglected some of my want & need. This couldn’t be done without your help Miss Wendy πŸ₯° Again thank you ❀️
2021-12-09 18:04:03 Hello Miss Wendy, First of all i want to thank you so much for always taking care of us your lost boys. 😊 For this challenge I have treating myself with yummy foods and drinks that i craved soo much such as ramen 🍜 and boba tea πŸ§‹ πŸ˜„ I think i had been harsh on myself and neglected some of my want & need. This couldn’t be done without your help Miss Wendy πŸ₯° Again thank you ❀️

Hello Miss Wendy, First of all i want to thank you so much for always taking care of us your lost boys. 😊 For this challenge I have treating myself with yummy foods and drinks that i craved soo much such as ramen 🍜 and boba tea πŸ§‹ πŸ˜„ I think i had been harsh on myself and neglected some of my want & need. This couldn’t be done without your help Miss Wendy πŸ₯° Again thank you ❀️


I did my thing yesterday...with my hair...they gave me a whole scalp massage while washing it...so relaxing, and I think the way they styled it came out really nice. I couldn't help but think of you...you're right that we need to remember to do things like this for ourselves more often if we can. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Miss Wendy. You are a gift, you've made my holidays better, and I never get tired of thanking you. 🎁 πŸŽ„ 😊


Well, manicure it has been. Saw my sister today and we both agreed on it as she hasn't had one since Covid. Wasn't too impressed until she massaged lotion halfway up my arm. That was the good stuff. Still at the salon while my sister finishes up her color.

Nicky Shortstacks

Is there any way we can still get you a gift Miss Wendy? Or is that not happening this year?