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Hello Patrons

You can find more details about our Growth Reward Roadmap in This Patreon Update.

Last month we had 1158 Patrons, which means we unlocked the bonus Kneeling Leg Poses and the Squad Support Weapon this month!

Please help us continue to grow the Patreon, and continue to unlock extra content for everyone every month!

As always, these will be available in the MMF download when it is released at the beginning of next month

Go here, to the Patron-Only post for your download links!


1100: Extra Leg Poses - Kneeling poses

This month, as we only have the one Exo-Lord hip joint, we've created a kneeling pose and an additional pose in very fast advance! As with this month's Exo-Lord legs, we've kept both the front and back cloth tabards as separate shells, as well as all the rivets!

1150: Squad Support Weapon - Heavy Arbalest

This month's heavy support weapon is a dramatically larger version of one of the squad's standard crossbows! These Heavy Arbalests come in two versions; one with the stand folded shut for redeployment, with both loaded and fired versions, and the other with the stand joint able to be fully posed. This means that you can pick any of our standing legs and be able to have the stand touch the floor in any pose!

The Heavy Arbalest comes with a Medieval arm pose, similar to this month's infantry weapons, as well as a digital kitbash part that consists of the foregrip and trigger assembly!

For anyone that's got our previous Exo-Lord heavy weapons, you may notice that the two joints look very similar... and you'd be right! They're fully cross compatible with the Dieselpunk Heavy infantry arms!

That's all for this month. We hope you enjoy your unlocks, and keep your eyes peeled for next month's previews... coming soon!




If/when we hit 1200, any chance the original scale version of the instigator could be thrown in somehow? Even just in a hard(er) to work with format, but for those of us who still have one or more of those (already painted and all) and would prefer to stick with the original scale? Thanks!


I think the issue is that the original instigator was printed in several parts and then assembled and hand finished - I don't think we have a complete digital version. I will take another look at the old CAD files though. :)


I get "Path too long" errors when trying to unzip these files.