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Hello everyone!

We hope that this month's Gothic Tech infantry is serving your every whim as it pertains to relentless machine hybrid warriors!

For next month's release, we're going way back to the beginning with a 3rd wave expansion to our Near Future Drop Troops. The first wave landed on the Patreon almost three years ago.

This time, our Drop Troops are bringing the heat with some serious firepower. Your entire squad can come equipped with Specialist Energy Weapons, drawing power from a miniature power plant on their back.

To manage the weight of their gear, they're clad in an even more advanced powered exoskeletal frame, with a lot of extra personal armour too!

If wrist-mounted gauss cannons are more your style, we've got you covered there. The enhanced suit gives the wearer the strength to wield two of these deadly weapons!

They're no slouch in close combat, either. Dropping a melee expert with a gigantic war cleaver, directly into the enemy lines from a low altitude drop-ship, will break the moral of even the most hardened veteran soldier!

There's still so much more to show, but you'll have to follow along to see the full release in our Everything You Get post, next week!

We're keen to hear what you think of the next month's kit! Let us know in the comments below, or on our Discord.

- Team Anvil




I can see Edge of Tomorrow troopers with the edition of some 416’s! And if course that big choppa………..me likey!


NIIICCCE!!! Every thing anvil touches turns to gold. It is no longer the Midas touch it is now “the anvil touch.