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Hello Patrons!

Thanks to everyone who took the time to give us feedback in our recent themes poll!

It's not possible to please everyone every month, but we have done our best!

We've had a good look at the numbers, and filled out the rest of the year's provisional schedule with a mix of content which we think most accurately reflects what you've asked for.


April : We've got the Previews ready for Gothic Tech Horror for you to check out!

May : Heavy Drop Troopers - wearing heavy armour and mechanical exoskeletons, these Drop Troopers are the best of the best, and will wield heavier, specialist weapons. Here's a concept art teaser for you!

June : The Brotherhood Sci-Fi Light Infantry

This theme had the highest average score out of the successful themes, so it's coming soon!

There are a number of settings which feature high-tech light infantry with thin plate armour, visored helmets and cloth elements. Two good examples are the Mandalorians in Star Wars, and the Brotherhood of NOD in the Command and Conquer Franchise.

We will release a set of miniatures channelling this vibe, which depending on paint scheme could be used in a range of sci-fi game systems.

July : Medieval Exo-Lords - ornate medieval plate armour with both ranged and melee weapon options in the same vein. Some very early stage concepts are included in the post image above!

August : Bio-Hazard Containment 2 : Civilian Response Team

We were quite surprised at the high level of support for this theme, but it's a very worthy candidate for inclusion, and one we will have a lot of fun working on!

Following on from our original Bio-Hazard Containment Team which was highly militarised, this theme will include bulky civilian Hazmat suits plus a number of other modern day emergency response figures.

September : Modern Post-Apocalypse 2

This ties in nicely as a sort of informal double month with the Civilian Bio-Hazard team. Time to return to the exclusion zone!

October And November : Interstellar Expeditionary Force -DOUBLE MONTH-

This was a really tough call for us as it was the most divisive choice.

18% of you had a negative or somewhat negative view of this theme, which ordinarily would be high enough for us to consider ruling it out.

Conversely, 40% of you give this theme the highest rating, which is significantly more than any other theme we've polled using this 5 face rating system.

If you're part of the 40% buckle up, it's going to be awesome!

If you're part of the 18% - We ask you stick around until you've seen the early previews before making your mind up! We are going to do our best to make these miniatures genuinely useable in a decent range of different settings!

An elite special forces team travelled across the galaxy on a mission to destroy Space Egyptians using nothing but P90 submachine guns and pithy one-liners.

While this theme will be heavily inspired by the Stargate SG-1 universe, we will be doing our own original take on the concept, not just clones of other people's IP.

December : Gothic Civilians

A really nice characterful set for the Christmas holiday period we think!

A set of Gothic Sci-Fi themed civilians. These will be a similar concept to the modern civilians, but the sculpts will be ideal for use in games like 40k, Necromunda and Stargrave, and will also work well in earth based steampunk/alt. history settings.

This means that unfortunately, the following themes did not get broad support and will not feature on the Patreon any time soon, but we may find ways to release some of this content in other formats:

  • The Heist - Modern Crime Syndicate
  • Undercover Operatives 2 : Secret Agents
  • Robed Cultists 2 : Armoured

Thanks everyone!

We are looking forward to the rest of 2023 with great excitement, and hope to continue to earn your support with top quality miniatures designs!

Don't forget, there will be more! We also have further ARMOURgeddon loyalty rewards and hopefully growth rewards to show off!

-Team Anvil



Jeremy Bernhardt

Thanks for the road map. Looks like I'll be back in May and June, and then I 'll just follow to stay aware of what's coming out. October/November is not grabbing me yet, but I'm hoping your original take on this leads to some fun multi-shell options and more cool pistol grip weapons.


Is it possible to do themed weapon packs? For instance would love a Pack with MP5, AK Variants, M4 Variants etc? Perhaps by period or genre?


These weapons tend to be scattered across various months - I am not sure the MP5 has been released digitally but it will be at some point I am sure :)