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Our quarterly loyalty reward program, ARMOURgeddon, is our chance to showcase what we can do with large, detailed vehicle and mech models which are outside of the scope of our usual monthly theme.

We give these high value kits away for FREE as a way to reward our patrons who stay subscribed consistently for several months.

At the moment ARMOURgeddon runs every three months, and you need to be subscribed for each of the three consecutive months in order to be eligible.

We appreciate this way of doing it might be frustrating for new Patrons who join the project mid way through a three month period. We are looking at alternative ways of administering the program which are more flexible.

The Current ARMOURgeddon Loyalty Reward Period which new Patrons can be eligible for will be May+June+July 2023

Sign up for all three consecutive months to get the Wasteland Truck Builder for free!

The second Loyalty reward for February+March+April 2023 was the Diesel Punk Medium Mech.

If you've missed on on this Mech as a Loyalty reward don't worry - It will be available separately in the future and we will be doing more Mechs using this 'Medium' Chassis for future rewards.

The first ARMOURgeddon loyalty reward was the Goliath Assault Mech, Based on the same chassis as our popular Light Mech.

The Goliath and Light Mech are both available to purchase on our website and also on My Mini Factory. Many components can be mixed and matched between the two kits.

Don't forget to use your 40% discount code!

Goliath Assault Mech

Light Mech

Thanks for reading!

If you have suggestions for models we could work on for future ARMOURgeddon rewards, let us know in the comments!

-Team Anvil




That car will need to be even more modular than your ATV was to be really useful.