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Thank you for being part of our project!

Our Growth Reward Roadmap is a new plan to offer more high value content in exchange for your support!

More people supporting us each month means more revenue to invest into creating awesome new digital miniatures!

We've put together this roadmap so that you know what to look forward to, and we can grow the project in a planned, sustainable way!

Each reward graphic shows the number of Patrons required to unlock it, starting from 1100+ (which we actually already hit last month, so look out for bonus kneeling legs coming soon!).

Monthly Rewards

Rewards which say 'Included in every future monthly miniatures set.' will be included in every future months content, for as long as we remain above the stated number of Patrons.

These rewards are cumulative, so the more support we get, the more we will include in each month going forward!

Important : Because we plan, prepare and test print our downloads in advance, rewards are unlocked the month after the Month in which we hit the goal.

For example, if we reach a total of 1150 Patrons in April, the May download will contain the extra content which is unlocked at 1150+

  • The images on the roadmap are examples of the kind of content you can expect.
  • The actual content each month will vary depending on the theme, and occasionally we may swap in an alternative reward of comparable value.
  • The monthly rewards will be included each future month for as as long as we remain above the stated number of Patrons.

Welcome Pack Add-Ons

Rewards which say 'Added to the Welcome Pack as soon as the goal is reached' are one-off rewards which are added to the Welcome Pack for all subscribers to enjoy.

Welcome Pack Add-Ons will be made available to anyone who subscribes in the same month the goal is reached, and will remain in the welcome pack permanently as long as we are running the project.

If the Patreon grows at just 5% per month then over the next year we will unlock 4 free vehicle kits with an estimated retail value (if we sold them) of $120, and that is in addition to $150+ value in ARMOURgeddon loyalty rewards over the same period.

The Rewards

One of the most consistently requested items over the last few years! This reward will include 1 x Male and 1 x Female kneeling legs.

In months where we are only including male jointed parts, we will do 1 x kneeling legs and 1 x another interesting leg pose.

This will be some kind of Infantry carried squad support weapon, distinctly different from the standard small arms. Exactly what kind of weapon is designed will depend on the theme.

This high speed, ultra mobile assault vehicle was originally a resin model in our Afterlife Game. It was so popular that we considered making it the focus of an entire month on Patreon.

We've started upscaling and reworking the model to make it Regiments compatible and optimised for efficient home 3D printing.

As well as the spot light shown, we will include various drivers and top weapon options.

This digital kit would retail for approximately £25/$30 if we sold it separately.

The Specialist Infantry Pose will be a standard trooper in the same style as the main figures, but with an interesting pose and equipment to add variety to your unit.

Lots of games make use of sets of 3 or 6 Objective markers. We will produce a set of 3-6 small scenic elements which can be used as objective markers OR basing elements.

If we can't come up with decent theme relevant ideas for objective markers, we will produce a larger terrain element instead.

Like the Instigator, this is a fully redesigned, upscaled and improved version of a popular OOP kit, the Unity Council Cobra APC.

Designed for our Afterlife game universe originally, this vehicle would fit well in a range of wargame settings.

The final model will include a turret mounted weapon system with various options, and at least one alternative hull build.

This digital kit would retail for approximately £20/$24 if we sold it separately.

Another very popular request over the last few years.

We have two styles of rifle - a 'Pistol Grip' and a 'Rifle Stock Grip", and each month which includes rifles, we design a weapon and arms in one of the two styles.

This unlock means that each month, we will include 4 additional arm poses in the OTHER style - so that each months content is somewhat compatible with ALL our huge range of digital and resin guns.

If we are not using a rifle joint small arm, then this reward will comprised additional alternative arm poses.

We will commit additional time to developing extra infantry weapon options!

This will usually be additional small arms, but may also include pistols, melee weapons and/or something else entirely, depending on the theme.

We've been talking about this in the studio for literally years.

We want to create the ultimate modular modern Infantry Fighting Vehicle!

This will be roughly the same size/proportions as an Astra Militarum Chimera, but based on a modern military chassis such as the Oshkosh M-ATV or Stryker APC.

We've not yet picked a final design style.

This digital kit will be at least as detailed as our full month vehicle offerings (Eg. DUKW, Light Mech) and would retail for approximately £40/$50 if we sold it separately!

We don't want to get ahead of ourselves, but we think it's possible we could grow the project to more than 1500 supporters and if we do, we have exciting provisional plans!

We've not finalised anything yet, but options we are considering include:

  • Fully assembled 'ready to print' models each month
  • Regular Exo-Lord content in addition to the main theme
  • More characters, specialists and weapon options.
  • Free vehicle kits including Heavy Artillery, and the Drop Ship we've been dreaming about for many years now..




This looks fantastic - I'll do my best to share!

Danger Draper

Maybe I'm reading too much into recent posts, but are EXOs out of the monthly release format now or until it hits 1500? If they're out, any chance they may feature as a side release similar to the Avians? I'm really looking forward to where the DP and mech were heading.


We are planning a medieval/Gothic themed Exo-Lords month for Later in the year, and will still do occasional Entire Exo-Lord scale months. If we grow the patron a LOT we can start doing what some of the bigger projects do and have two separate projects in each month, at which point we'd like to start releasing Exo-Lord content more often. It's a really nice scale and Large Power Armoured Miniatures are popular for some reason, but we don't want to move away from our core offering being regular human size miniatures.