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Hello Patrons,

We hope you are excited about this month's Space Western pack, we need to run some final checks and test prints but hope to have it out on Monday.

Some of you may have noticed we have started releasing production resin versions of the Digital Forge miniatures over on the Anvil Industry website, so far we have put out Drop Troopers and Gothic Void Troopers. 

To make a full resin release we have sculpted a few extra pieces and poses and made them available  to buy digitally in "booster bundles" which Patrons can pick up using your 40% discount code, which also gives a discount on previous months full Patreon bundles, just use this link:


These are the extra sculpts for the Gothic Void Trooper Release.

And the extras for the Drop Trooper release.

We hope you have a great Easter.

Team Anvil



Thanks for this!


Cool, can we expect to see the same for the Post-Apocalyptic themed collection in the future?

Richard Daglish

Keep em coming, way more of this please but can I beg again for more poses and parts for the huge ass ogre Characters to I can use them as full squads of what we know they perfectly stand in for in 40K ;)


Awesome stuff chaps! 😉👍🏾


Possibly, it depends on what extra parts, if any, we need to produce for a resin release. Its also likely we will do post apocalypse 2 at some point as it was a lot of fun!

Yellow Sign Studio

Hi, just went to go buy one of your boosters on your website and the registration insists on having my birth date! No chance in Hell this is happening. I cannot see the requirement? Stuff like that alone is reason for me to desist and go elsewhere.


I'll double check why we need it, I think because our products are not designed for children. The only infomation that needs to be accurate is anything associated with a credit/debit card payment.


Damn it was a pain to buy XD Since last I shopped there, my account got lost, so I had to reregister, it asked for my country, which is now outside of your shipping I guess, so I had to pick a random one, then at the checkout of digital purchases it made me come up with an address (again, not my home address XD)


Browsed the Stargrave previews yesterday and got two thoughts: 1) your modular troops were the first thing that comes to mind as an alternative to northStar miniatures, but 2) your releases lack some of the weapon options like missile launchers and machine guns (probably some others) I'd suggest you research the StarGrave rules and add some options to support them, probably as boosters for older releases and options for newer ones.


Oh, this is a nice thing to offer! That said, is there any chance existing resin kits might one day be available as digital? I'd love some of your PMC and robed cultist offerings, but I rescale my prints so the resin versions are a no-go for me.


Its likely that parts of our existing range will be available digitally at some point, but we have not made any firm decisions yet.

Joe Mansfield

It might be nice to make resin items your catalog is showing as not available for several months (!) like crossbows or the mosin rifles available digitally


Unfortunately where we have items which are unavailable it is usually because we are understaffed, and that also limited how much we can released digitally, even if we wanted to!