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Dear Patrons,

Please note that the link will be live until midday on the last day of the month. It will then be removed for a period of a few days before a new link (valid until the end of the following month) is issued by private message. If you are joining the Patron on the last day of the month, do not worry - you will get a new link soon!


IMPORTANT: Some features in this months file set are new. Please read the following:

Overlay Components:

Some components such as the Jetbike baggage element, and the torso pouches, are "overlay" elements. They will NOT print successfully by themselves. To print them, they need to be imported into your slicer and then moved so that the raft lines up as closely as possible with the raft of the parent element.
Tor example, import the Jet Bike rear section and the baggage STL's, then move the baggage so that the rafts align with the baggage in roughly the right place, overlapping the bike. It then prints as one solid block.

"Multi shell" elements:

These can be imported into Blender, Meshmixer or various other 3D programs and then be split to remove certain parts of the model, giving you more options.

The advanced section of our Mech Tutorial covers how to import and split elements in Blender, which is what we recommend using.


The most important one this month is that you can import any of the hooded/cloaked torsos and split and remove the head, allowing you to print them to be compatible with any other head, which can be added digitally or in real life after printing.


For vanguard Patrons, there are two sets of links.

The first, recommended Link, contains only pre supported STL's, tested and ready to print.

If you decide at a later date you need to separate out an STL from its Pre-Support structure, this is very simple and takes a few seconds. Most slicer programs and various free CAD programs have features for splitting shells and rearranging or building models digitally before adding your own supports.

Pre Supported STL's via Sync:



If you want an unsupported copy of all the files instead or in addition, you can download that using this second link. We suggest that most Patrons can save 270Mb of hard drive space and skip the second link, but it's up to you.

Raw STL's via Sync:


We hope you like this months content, please let us know asap if you find any issues or problems with the files!

Thanks for your continued support of our project!

Team Anvil



Can't wait to print them!

Esben Christiansen

Hmm so you changed the torsos, only some has cloaks and not head swap options, those with head swap options have no cloaks?


Already running the first batch! :)


In the post from yesterday, "The cloaked torsos are included as two sets of files with either googles or visored head incorporated for an easy single component print. You can use Blender, Mesh mixer or similar to separate the heads and then use any other head."


Thanks! Any idea why it seems I have to run almost any file through Windows 3d Builder to fix errors before importing in Lychee?

Yellow Sign Studio

Agreed, Sync sucks bone, just ceased my annual subscription with them after discovering I lost half of everything I thought I stored with them over the years. Poor set-up for backup and recovery. Sigh!


Because you do not want to use Lychee's repair function? :D


Request going forward, Is it possible for these new style of "tabbed" weapons to get an adapter made that fits in the back tab part to make them usable with the older arms? some of these are too cool for just this set.


Hi Darren, these will will with any of our rifle stock arms which all use the tab attachment point. I am not sure we could easily make an adaptor to get these weapons to fit our "pistol grip" rifle arms, the layout is quite different.


I'm noticing that as we move forwards there's more emphasis on the Patreon to be proficient in the use of certain additional programmes to get the best/most/or functional out of the miniatures. Having to use blender or mesh mixer with items/elements that then require placing/adding/meshing/mixing to the files etc. You're starting to place more on the Patreon to get the most out of these files. Whilst I'm not adverse to learning new skills and using new programmes I have an 8 month old baby and full time job, even during this current pandemic, as many others do. There's a lot a time and effort potentially to watch, learn and then use these programmes to achieve what has been shown in the concepts. I'm just concerned that to achieve 'more' you're doing less at the front end and passing that to the Patreon?


Hi Daniel, I would say we are doing more on our side to give people more options, which require some work but a lot less than say.. printing and cleaning up a plate of minis! If we didn't experiment and try out new ways to deliver content/options it would certainly be simpler, but I think it would be a shame. None of the skills required are much more complicated than learning to use a slicer and print software and tune resin settings, and in almost all cases, using Blender will be to enhance/unlock options, rather than a mandatory part of the process. THanks for your feedback :)


Sorry if it's not the right place to ask but is there somewhere that has info on upcoming releases etc? Do you think there will ever be a set of weapons etc released either on patreon or through the store? I'd happily pay through the store separately to get some compatible weapon options, shotguns, plasma etc.


The discord channel has teaser images for the next months, as well as suggestions etc. Recommend joining up


Thank you for adding versatility to the models!


Am I crazy, or is there a set of torsos missing? The pair on the leftmost edge of the "all components" render don't seem to be in any of the folders.


Reverse shot. The left shows the back, the right shows the front


You know what would be really awesome? If we could get prepared blender models for all infantry releases similar to the walker weapons. So we could put together our own minis from torsos, arms, legs, heads and legs in blender by hiding/unhiding and rotating, then print the whole model. I appreciate that this is extra work - I have sort of done this myself for some of the nomads manually, loading STLs and splitting arms etc., but I would pay extra for this, and suspect I'm not alone in this. Having to clean and glue together individual arms and sometimes hands is... not that fun? ;-) You could create an extra support level for this to fund it.


This is an option I have considered, but as you say - a LOT of extra work and added value which would have to be part of a more expensive tier. It certainly wont be soon if it happens. Thanks for the suggestion!


For those of us who hate discord any chance of returning to posting previews of upcoming releases on here?


Fair point! We are a bit slammed at the moment but we will try to get a more consistent patreon post schedule in place :)

Stuart Eardley

I printed the "speeder bikes" & the riders. The riders do not fit on the bikes, the female passenger fits, but the "pilots" will not fit on, the legs are wrong


Hi Stuart, we found it was best to assemble the rider on the rear of the bike and then glue the front on. I am sorry you had problems. If you email us with a bit more detail that would help us create an improved version when we have some time.