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Hello Patrons!

3D printed miniatures now available to Patrons!
We're happy to announce that you can now pre-order the character prints from the May's "Over the Top" trench fighters Patreon release. We will start shipping from November 1st.

We are offering Patrons a 20% discount on planned retail pricing! Just use the following link, valid until the end of October: https://anvilindustry.co.uk/3d-prints?discountcoupon=G6L2CNA (We will also issue a new code next month)

The launch of 3D printed models for sale is a trial -  There is a chance there will be problems with manufacturing which delay shipment of orders. We hope to expand the range of 3D printed models available in the future! Leave a comment below with requests.

The Printer we are using is a Form 3, a professional-grade machine which creates very smooth surfaces and detail which is almost as sharp as our resin miniatures. Some layer lines will still be visible on flatter upward-facing surfaces.

LIGHT MECH Further Feedback - 

You can complete a 10 question survey on all aspects of the Mechs Design and your feedback will be used in our design process.

It is impossible to design a Mech Model which will please every Patron, and attempting to do so carries a risk of making a rather generic and dull model. For this reason, we will carefully consider the results of the survey, but we will not be publishing the results.

EDIT: SURVEY NOW CLOSED - thanks to everyone for your feedback which has been very useful!


Team Anvil



Just do Armoured Core and there will be an end to the horror

Eduardo Martínez García

I hope I don't find another "adaptable" version of a Warhammer 40k Sentinel, it would be downright disappointing ... With how interesting drop ship would have been!




I honestly kind of regret voting for the light mechs

Red Headed Steppeson

I would love a humanoid ‘over the top’ like assault thing. Like a humanoid FT-17


Voted! I didn't vote flame thrower but if you do; could you throw in an stl for gas canisters like the scorch from titanfall? o.O


Please something like the mechs from titanfall


I could definitely use a steampunk trashcan walker haha.


Really hoping we get something more along the lines of Titanfall instead another 40k Sentinel or dreadnaught variant to go with the hundreds that already exist


I agree that Dread proxies are all too common, but I haven’t seen all that many for sentinels. All the same, I too would love for a titanfall style mech with lots of different loadout options.

Philippe-Michel Hély

New Patreon here. A Titanfall mech would be perfect, and would go along nicely with the Drop Troopers that made me jump and subscribe.


dude a titanfall mech would be so rad


Here to say Titanfall-esque mech would be just awesome


Hi Everyone, Thanks very much for your feedback - I have carefully reviewed it all and it's given me a great direction to take the Mech Design in - I am confident we will produce something which is useful for the majority of patrons!