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Latest update 10 April 2022 with new screenshot of pausing May 2022.

Hi all, the past couple of years haven't been great, but we finally found the source of the problems recently. But I still need to go on a long hiatus, to sort things out, possibly for the rest of this year as well. I'll have a better idea in a month or so and let you know.

In the meantime, I will keep hitting the pause button to make sure you won't get charged if I have comic to post here.


All the latest updates can be read in a mobile friendly browser here.

Please use this post to navigate my Patreon goodies.


Original post from 21 July 2021:

Hey folks, I have to sort out a bunch of family matters (some COVID related), so I'll have to pause Patreon for the remainder of this year.

The uncertainties over the next few months makes it difficult to guarantee a new update, so it's more fair to not charge existing patrons until things have calmed down in my life and I have more time to churn out comics again.

If the next comic update is almost ready, then I'll let you know 2-3 weeks before Patreon resumes to charge your pledge. 

Patreon doesn't allow me to pause for 6 months unless I took everything offline, so I have to manually hit the pause button every month and update this post with a new screenshot of next month's pause. So if you are staying, you'll know whether or not there's a charge next month based on that screenshot up there.

Please enable your email notifications so you'll automatically get notified when I update this post or make a new post.

I'm not abandoning my comic, just have to sort out these more important life issues first.

(・へ・) (ノ‥)ノ

Thanks again for your patience and understanding. I hope you all have a healthy rest of the year.




All the latest updates can be read in a mobile friendly browser here.

Please use this post to navigate my Patreon goodies.



Gaby Dinh

Take care, Mo. Hope everything gonna get better for you soon.


hey thanks, yeah still sorting things out, I hope all is well with you too. Thanks again for the kind words, I appreciate it!

JoyJoy T.

Trust me i Understand lol take care of yourself an Family! We will be here when you come back ^·^


Hey, thank you for your kind words. Sorry for not seeing it earlier. Hope all is well for you too.