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Ready for more bad news? (^^;)

My assistant is still coloring the Mission Diversion #88-89, he's got some emergency and he may not make it by the end of March. I'll need 2+ days to touch up all his work before posting. If I don't finalize it by March 31st, I'll DM it to everyone who pledged in March 2021.

The good news, while he's still working on that, I've got short naughty comics for y'all on NSFW tiers, and I will DM it by the end of today.


Your support in March went toward Mission Diversion #88-89. Since I have to deal with new life issues (I'll explain below), I'm hitting the pause button on Patreon. I can't guarantee if I can post anything in April, other than #88-89 which I assumed can be done this month.

All existing patrons won't get charged in April (unless you pledge up or delete then return). I know some don't mind donating but every individual is different and some ain't comfortable speaking up.

To be fair, I'd like to give more heads up if there is a delay in updating and 4 days before the next charge is too close. Last year, I wasn't expecting the delay, but now I foresee delays way ahead of time.

I'd like you to read the next update before resuming charges, so that might give you better idea on what to do with your pledge moving forward. After #88-89 is posted (probably early April the latest), I'll do a poll asking your opinions if you'd like me pausing Patreon if I foresee delays in updating in the future.


So what now?

Just found out that my house got water damage that attracts termites from underground to live inside our walls. We even found some swarming into my office. It's like a horror movie...

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

We always had a termite company inspecting this old house every year except for last year. So yah, I'm still dealing with this ex called 2020 that just won't go away.

I'm burned out from juggling too many things and I need a weekend or two to deal with taxes before May 15. I need a breather to avoid getting overwhelmed, so I don't lose my shit again, like last year.


Next time, I'll try to draw the chapters like a month ahead of time so it gives the assistants enough time to avoid further delays.

I'll post the #88-89 as soon as it's ready. Please enable your email notifications, so you'll get all the content as soon as I hit post.

Thank you for your patience and support.

<(_ _)>

BRB. ᕕ( ಠ‿ಠ)ᕗ


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