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Hi all, I finished drawing the next chapter of Mission Diversion last week and my assistants are still working on their tasks. They should be ready toward the end of March.

It's one update here (76 panels), but will be split into two chapters (#88-89) outside of Patreon, many months from now.

Can you believe it's been a year since Rona turned the whole world upside down?
Below is a little long, might wanna read it on the toilet if you feel like it lol....


A lot has happened in the past two years. Shit just pissed me off beyond belief and I just lost it. I'm sure 2020 hasn't been easy for you too, so thank you for your kindness and patience.
I don't say it often enough cos my brain melted last year, but your support means a lot and I wouldn't have made it this far without you.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the poll.
I used to read 20 volumes of manga in one day when I was a teenager and now I binge read an entire series in a few days, so I'm surprised that many of you are sticking around for this long. I don't know how else to thank you.

●| ̄|_

When I started this comic in 2017, I assumed I could whip out an entire 5 volumes of 140+ pages books within 6 months to 1 year.
I was pulling all my hair out when it wasn't done in 2019 and yes, I know it's 2021 now.... Trust me, I know... ^_^"

This webcomic needs proper editing later anyhow, so I just prioritized getting it done and polish it for the books later.


For those of you who are still supporting and plan to do so in the future (if your circumstances allow), I would like to hear what your expectations are.

If you pledge on NSFW tiers, what provides the most value as a Patron?
I plan to make changes moving forward and would like to get your input.


Since I opened Patreon in December 2017, there have been a few dine-and-dashers who signed up to grab the HD wallpapers. That number has grown exponentially since I launched the NSFW tiers in late 2018 (well duh...).

That was the reason I started doing NSFW clean ups so often and why higher tier bonuses were sent via DM only. Most scammers with fraud cards won't pledge on higher tiers, so if their card got declined, there weren't that many goodies they could grab and go.

However, last month, one lady joined a tier that can access all NSFW posts, waited a few days so I don't see that it was a dine-and-dash, and then went out of her way to reverse the  charge on her card. She was also kind enough to leave me a nasty message. Very lovely lady, huh?!

This is not a “woe is me” rant, cos I'm responsible for the good and the bad shit in my life, so if something I do attracts foul humans that pissed me off, then I should do something about it. Maybe deliver the NSFW goodies via DM only?

I'm even considering doing away the NSFW tiers cos dealing with this toxicity drains my energy and suck the joy out of making comic. Not sure if that will deter people like that lady from joining my Patreon to begin with, since the internet is a jungle.


Anyhoo, I'm trying to get back to the time  when making comic was very joyful, when I could churn out 50-80 panels within a few days (if life doesn't get in the way).
My taste and values have changed over the years, and if you have, that is fine too. This remains the same: I always prefer mature content.

The naughty goodies I had the most fun creating was Mission Diversion 61-63, the side story Part 3 and Part 7.
I read a lot of steamy romance novels during quarantine, cos they are comforting and easy to digest, but I guess after binge-ing 100+ smutty romance books from Amazon, the novelty has worn off.
I guess I only read romance genre once in a while. The genre I'm into is Adult Sci-fi/Fantasy/Thriller (laced with steamy romance), so within the entire story, there are only a few sexy scenes. It's not something that can happen every month.

Funding matters but getting as many patrons as possible isn't the goal.  I won't bother with ad-revenue cos they are killjoys and extremely unreliable. Ideally, I'd like to build a community of like-minded peeps with similar values and taste.


Thank you for reading all the way down here and please let me know what you think gives you the most value if you're on NSFW tiers and what are your expectations.

I don't think artists should be begging for donations, but if you support me, you should get something valuable that isn't gonna be available for free. I'd like to find that sweet spot where my interests and yours overlap.

You can DM me if you feel more comfortable doing that. I may not respond right away on the comments, to allow you guys and gals to freely express your thoughts, but I'll respond as soon as I can.

I'll also be posting more polls in the near future to get more ideas.

Thanks again,

-Mo (^_-)v




I enjoy your comic so I will support it whether you have a NSFW Tier or not. I do enjoy the NSFW Tier. Maybe just sending the stuff via DM. It's important to do stuff that make you happy and not feel frustrated by people. So do what makes you happy.


I'm so sorry you've had to deal with so many rude experiences. I first joined as a low tier Patron to support your story, and later bumped up into NSFW tier because I felt it gave the full experience of the story. As much as I LOVE spicy extras and side stories, I would still stay pledged even without those. Steamy smut with plot is much more my preference and that's why I like your approach to it so much! It's incredible that you've given us a whole side story all while you're working on your main story! But ultimately your main story comes first, and it's worth the wait. I love the world you've built and I just look forward to each new chapter.


I joined patreon because I actually really liked reading something with a good story and the smut as an extra, smut just for smuts sake doesn't keep me interested. But I actually really enjoy the side story too ;) It's a shame about the people who do charge backs, there's no need for that, it's not as if you are charging a lot. I wonder if it's worth looking into Adobe content server (https://www.adobe.com/uk/solutions/ebook/content-server.html) I think you can use that to prevent people who aren't subscribed from having access. It's probably not worth it but it's want to do it just to spite the assholes. For me as long as you keep making stories that's got the same vibe as what you are doing now (even if your taste changes, it's about the quality and how it feels to read yea know) I'll stay subbed. You've been really good at keeping us updated as to what you're up to stop even if you have a slow few months with no chapters it's not a big deal for me


I want to support you with or without the NSFW tier. I love your story and the extra content you share. I am partial to plot so I really enjoyed the AU comics, but I understand if that is sacrificed for the main story. Sorry you have had such a hard time this past year and struggle with that theft of your work. :( Stay positive and know that we really appreciate the work you put in and love your story and all of your content! ❤ I just bumped up my donation so I hope that helps!


i joined to support and for the NSFW however i'll stay regardless of that Tier. Not sure if possible but what about sending NSFW through DM and only on the next month? That way the ones that support will keep the "privileges" and it may reduce "dinne&dash" as they'll have to pledge in advance (I saw some Patreons that have something similar to avoid those "people")


I will stay regardless, and my tastes are very similar to yours. I enjoy what you’ve written And drawn. And I’m sorry a few bad apples are in the bunch just ruining it/: but :)) congrats getting here though :). You’ve your own team and everything! That’s amazing. Sorry for the hardships you had to go through to get here /: I’ll still be here to support you :)

Rebeka Wesenick

I joined your patron specifically for the NSFW tier, but even if you took it away I would still stay. I enjoy your story and love the fantasy part of it, though personally if you did away with posting the NSFW tiers, i think you should dm the content

Kim D

I would miss the NSFW content if it went away. I do think that sharing your NSFW content via DM only isn't a bad idea. As someone who has had a bad habit of forgetting to check in for months at a time despite having an ongoing pledge, the DM system has let me catch up on all of your goodies. Someone else mentioned sending out NSFW content to new patrons only after their first month has passed. I think doing it that would help dissuade some scammers.

Meg H.

I started reading Mission Diversion on Webtoons and your art is amazing and gorgeous and i loved the plot. It really grabbed me and wouldn't let go. However Webtoons doesn't show anything so i followed to Patreon and i fell even more in love with your comic because of the mature NSFW content. I love the story, the art and the NSFW in the main story. I love the NSFW wallpapers as well as the side storys however if you want to discontinue the side stories i would still support you for the main comic. Its too amazing to stop reading. Its the first comic that i've truly loved in a long time. It has everything that grabs my attention and holds on. I truly enjoy it so very much and i just want to say thank you for creating such a world with beautiful characters and in depth details and plot. Im so very sorry that some people don't respect your work and try to take advantage of you and im sorry that its taking the joy out of making your comic. I will say however that without the NSFW content in the main story it wouldn't be the same and thats one of the things i love about your comic. I always prefer to read mature comics over clean ones. And you create the NSFW content so beautifully that its not pervy like some others out there. It matches so well with the rest of the story. I would be sad to see it go.


Hey thank you for the kind words, that means a lot. I wanna clarify that I stand behind every scene in the main comic. I won't censor it or anything, any edit I'll do in the books will be the dialogs mostly. If there's anything NSFW that fits the story later, it will stay the way I envisioned it to be. The problem is they are not making out every chapter every month like the side story. The thing that I'm looking for feedback is the monthly perks because Patreon charges every month. When there's nothing NSFW in the main comic, the side story fills in the gap. However, I'm burnt out from 2020 and other things, so I have to put the side story on hold so I can get more drawing done in the main comic. Also, what makes it not pervy is the buildup, the emotional connection and all that stuff. I can churn out very short naughty drawings every month as Patreon perks but it won't reach the same level as the side story or the main comic. So yah, I wonder if I should even bother with that. Thanks again for the feedback, I really appreciate it! ⊂(・▽・⊂)

Meg H.

You are welcome and yes i meant to say the connection between the characters and the other stuff also made it not pervy. Im so glad that the main comic is gonna stay NSFW. I really like the side stories but if you put them on hold that's fine. I also really enjoy the NSFW wallpapers. So like the main story comic and NSFW wallpapers occasionally is good for me if you want to lighten your work load. When you say you can churn out short naughty drawings as patreon perks but it won't reach the same level as the side story and main comic do you mean it won't look the same?

Erika Kate

I’m sorry that some people are trash humans that steal your hard work like that, hopefully karma works to teach them the error of their ways. I don’t have my Patreon notifications on anyways so I only see the NSFW notifications when you DM us. I love the side stories but completely understand if you want to put those on hold for awhile, that won’t change my support. You’re a fantastic artist and I’m here to support the quality work you do, not a quantity. While the description on the WEBTOON is “Dystopian Action Romance” the category you chose was Sci-Fi, so I’m sure you don’t want Kasei and Cora’s romance to completely overtake the intricate storyline you’ve built. Whatever direction you choose to go in we are here and we totally support you 100%!!


Looks are the same, but the black and white, but you know, if it's just like a few panels naughty bits, it's nowhere near the same level of romance as the main comic or the side story. Thanks again for the feedback, most of my patrons are very quiet lol, so it's hard to tell what they like (^_^)


Oh thank you for letting me know how you get the notification, that helps (^_^). Thank you for the kind words too, I really appreciate it. It's multi genre actually, haha, it's scifi, fantasy, romance and action. The romance is a big part of the story, but I wouldn't put romance as a primary genre. I used to choose scifi and fantasy, but then I realize it's easier to find if romance is attached on it. I flip between scifi and fantasy as primary genre cos it's both (^_^)


Hey thank you for your long term support, feedback and the kind words. I think it sounds like just sending DM only is the way to go.


Hey thank you for your feedback, kind words and holy cow, you're one of the first few who's been around since 2018! ⊂(・▽・⊂) and yeah, the plot needs many panels in one update to make sense


being honest here, i really love the NSFW posts. i would still probably stay without the NSFW content but at a lower tier. i love this story and it’s art and progression and want to stick till the end. i enjoy the NSFW perks of the side story but if you are not able to do that anymore, like i said, i would still stick around. perhaps if you only provided nsfw content to people who subscribed after a month, to prevent them from retracting their pledge? i saw this suggestion in the comments above and i think that could be a good idea. in the end, it’s your choice and i appreciate your hard work on this comic despite all tribulations, and i’m sorry to hear about the scumbags who ruin this experience for you. best of luck!


hey thank you so much for your feedback, I really appreciate it! Yeah, the short smut won't have much of a plot cos it requires a bunch of panels to show something with a story ^^;


Thank you for your long term support, feedback and your generosity. Much appreciated! The negativity comes with the territory of being online ^_^;


Thank you for feedback! I agree that there should be some exclusivity to the patrons, it sounds like DM is the way to go.


Thank you for your kind words and your feedback, I really appreciate it! And yeah, wasn't expecting to have to build a team when I started ^_^;


Hey thank you for your feedback, I really appreciate it. It sounds like DM is the way to go.


Hey thank you for your feedback, it helps to know how you access the goodies and it sounds like DM is the way to go from here and out.


Hey thank you for your feedback! Truly appreciate it! It helps to know what gives you values. The side story is a lot of drawings, so I have to replace it with something shorter. But yeah, it sounds like DM is a better choice. I'll let you know ahead of time if there's a hiatus so you can adjust your pledge next time. There isn't an easy way to figure out who subscribed after one month, it's a little tedious and time consuming which I can spend that time in creating the content. Thanks again for your feedback!