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Hi guys and gals, thank you for still reading and still being here (T▽T)

As you know, I hit the pause button on my patreon from Dec 2019 – April 2020 cos I wasn't able to create anything while I was sick. I planned to hit the ground running full speed this month, but then the world fell apart... (╥_╥)

It's been mentally and physically exhausting for me. I know I'm not the only one feeling this way. 

So, what's listed below is a more realistic timeline of what I can crank out each month starting May 2020:

  1. One comic chapter, minimum.
    You'll always get a longer update, webtoon version will be half the length and a month or two behind.
  2. One NSFW content posted to all NoRa's Fleet and above.
    If the main comic doesn't have naughty scenes that is relevant to the story, I will post an AU.
    Each AU can be read as a standalone. Some will be longer, some very short, it varies every month.
    I make the AU while my assistant is working on the main comic.
    My goal with the AU is to make entertaining naughty comic that I care to read myself. (I'm picky with my porn lol).
    I clean out this content every 1-2 month.
  3. One spicier NSFW art sent to all of NorthRaners and above via PM within a week after the naughty post. (Not visible as patreon post)

I'm still inking the next chapter, ETA next update is after May 10, and the nsfw stuffs will be posted between May 17-31

Will I post more than what's listed above if I can? Absolutely!
If I could finish the final 10+ chapters tomorrow, I totally would!
I'm pulling my hair out the longer this goes. This entire story is better binged in one sitting, so I'm well aware that the long gap between updates is not beneficial and people can forget, but this is the best I can do without burning out.
(_ _|||)

Patreon will charge your card on May 1st, and on the 1st of each month.
If there's any change to what's listed above, I will let you know before the next month. It will be up to you to do what you want with your pledge.
It's unlikely that I'll hit that pause button again cos my bank account has been hemorrhaging since I got sick. (T_T)

I still haven't qualified for the ad-revenue on webtoon since 2018 cos I haven't got the time to censor old chapters. That may change later, beggar can't be chooser here lol... (^▽^;)
But  I'm not counting on that at all, cos webtoon don't allow blurring for censorship.

This Ronapocalypse has a lot of trickle down economic effects with no end in sight. My better half might be laid off later, which means no more health insurance for us. (_ _|||)
So I appreciate every one of your contributions.
ヾ(_ _。)

However, I hope you're supporting me because you get entertainment value from what I created. I only make the kind of content that I wish I could find.
There's a sense of accomplishment when there's someone out there feel the same way and went out of your way to support this comic on a clunky platform like patreon.

Thank you for your patience, understanding and generous support in these trying times.

Please take care of yourself and each other.






Continue to make sure you take care of yourself! Sending love and support! Everyone does have stuff to go through, but don't let that negate what your going through. I'm not going anywhere, and my heart and ears are ways open if and when you need them 💗💗💗


hey Alison, thank you for your kind words! Much much appreciate it! Yeah, I'm sure it will pass, but the world is still in limbo right now (・・;) I hope you're doing fine too! m(__)m

Anime Horror Doll

Ily Mo! Lol picky with your porn. Me too 🤣 So sorry I'm a little late commenting but I do have a question. You mention one Spicer NSFW after the initial NoRa fleet naughty bits- PMed to those who are NoRa and higher or a step above NoRa's fleet and higher? I love your art, I adore your beautiful porn. Therefore special porn drawn by you and PMed to me sounds awesome. Basically, do I need to go a step up NoRa for the previously mentioned PMed to me?