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Thanks for your patience, guys! I wouldn't have made it this far without you!
I currently have a flatter/colorist and a letterer. I'm also looking to hire 2-3 ink artists for the remainder of the updates (June 2020 & beyond), plus prepping detail instructions on how they can fit into my workflow.

These things takes time + brain power, and I'm juggling this in the middle of working on the comic. Now I know why recruiting is a full time job, and corporations have HR to deal with this stuff!! (^▽^;)

So yah, not twiddling my thumb here and will post things as soon as it's ready, after May 10 (most likely mid next week).

Oh, I also bought my long time assistant a drawing monitor so he can work better. I told him I like his work ethics and I want him to succeed. I can't live without this man! (that doesn't sound right lol...)



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