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Greetings from my doomsday bunker! JK (there's enough gloom and doom going around, so you won't find any of that here)
I  hope you are all healthy and safe, and if you're reading this from the  comfort of your toilet, I hope you are not running out of toilet paper

I'm pausing patreon again in April (no charge to existing patron, unless you raise your pledge), but I'll still update here as  soon as I finish it. According to my original outline, the next few chapters are story chapters anyway. Experiencing this global zombiepocalypse ain't exactly a fertile environment for sexy inspiration(´_`)

I'm also temporarily removing the paywall to story chapters that isn't naughty. Here's link to chapter 66&67 and 68.
If reading Mission Diversion can give you a few minutes of joy while you're cooped up at home, then that's a good thing.

#69 is delayed cos my assistant is still in training and he needs time to get up to speed with my style of coloring. I'm still waiting for the first few panels of final color back from him. I wish I could produce more to entertain you, but I still haven't recovered from my autoimmune disorder, so this is the best I can  do for now.
I also had to run around multiple grocery stores to get some food before hunkering down like most mortals out there. And no, I'm not hoarding cos I wanna give the supply chain a chance to restock.

Anyway, if you live in the western countries and having a hard time finding  toilet paper, I'd like to suggest bidet sprayer that hooked into your toilet. You only need to buy it once and the next time you saw people  hoarding up toilet paper, you'll be like "Pfftt... my butt is cleaner  than any of yours!!"


I wish you all health and happiness,




Kimberly Mckee

I love this series! I'm new to patreon, your story and spiciness with it has drawn me in! Thank you for your amazing dedication, I stumbled across Mission Diversion on Webtoons and binged the entire thing AND re read it to enjoy it again. ❤


hey welcome and thank you for the kind words, glad to hear that! I'm also a binge reader, imo it's actually better when you binge read it, so I kinda feel bad for the long wait between chapter now (;^_^A but I'm working on it! should be ready within a few days! thanks again! ⊂(・▽・⊂)

Kimberly Mckee

Some things are better with built up anticipation! So, no worries for the wait. You're doing fantastic!