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Hello everyone, it's me again, not dead yet (;^_^A
My biggest apology for being 100% offline during my sickness. Life hasn't been great in the past few months but things are slowly getting better. Having a compromised immune system isn't a great idea, so getting back to healthy is still my number one priority.

If you're still here, thanks a billion you for your patience and understanding (T_T) ●| ̄|_ 

I will post #69 on patreon this month. No ETA yet cos it depends on the turnaround by the assistant. He's still learning the new software and I'm gonna see how much coloring he can do. I might need to hire more artists, but the process of finding the right people can be very frustrating and time consuming. I'm not cut out for it, I just wanna write and draw hot dude/chick in my story lol.

#69 is about 50+ panels, and it's something I wanted to post back in November 2019. The next few chapters are chill transitional story chapters. North and Cora are stuck together while the bad guys are closing in. Link to #68 is here if you'd like to recap.

There hasn't been any charge to my patreon since December 2019. April's charge will only happen if I can deliver something to you guys (is still undecided, it depends on whether or not I can create). I'll let you know for sure within a few weeks. I won't charge if I can't produce the work.

Working on this comic is like trying to cook a giant turkey. The turkey has been marinating overnight and it's been cooking for the whole day on open fire, but 10 minutes before the damn turkey is done, the fire went out. But worry not, as long as the cook ain't dead, the turkey will be cooked till it's ready to eat!

Thanks again for sticking it out and being here for me. Other than my SO, and my two friends who help me with proofreading, my family thought I'm wasting my time working on this comic. I ignore discouraging stuff like that and just keep working on it everyday until it's done, cos an almost-cooked turkey isn't edible.

Hope you have a great week and thank you for reading all the way down here. 


Mo ( v ̄▽ ̄)




Yay you’re back! Sorry you were sick and that you don’t get the support you deserve from your family. I have been there. Your work is really good and I love this story, and thankful that you are going to finish it. I’ll still be here to support you.


thank you for the kind words and for sticking around!! ●| ̄|_ yah, I mean, family always means well but they don't always get it ╮(╯_╰)╭


I'm glad your not dead! I'm an accountant and the beginning of the year has been helllllllllllllll for me. I hope to catch up with you & your posts soon!


hey DIC, glad to hear from you!! I'm still working on the next one, waiting for the assistant to get back to me!