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Spoiler if you have not read #65 posted 4 days ago.

There's an outline for this entire story, I don't just make things up as I go, every scene is a foundation for what's to come.

North and Cora started out with bantering and fighting, but the relationship will go nowhere if they keep on fighting. Imo, it would be frustrating to watch. The collar, as cruel as it was, was to stop the fighting so they can start talking and get to know a bit more about each other. The collar also forces them to stay together in close proximity, and a plot device for future chapters.

The goal of the last make out scenes is their mutual acceptance and knowledge of each other's feeling. There's no denying that they like each other after that (ha ha). They learn about themselves too. Sexy time would be pointless if it doesn't add narratively to their character.

However, they still have their own life goals and Cora understands his priority. She doesn't get clingy or be like “Save me or change for me boi...”  That would be very off-putting to North. They leave many things unsaid for now.

I'm still working on the next chapter, it's not gonna make it by the end of this month. I will announce in a couple of days what's gonna be posted next month.

Have a great week, and thank you for reading!




Love how you explain their views and the reason why they act a certain way 💘👏


hey thank you, I wasn't too sure if I should, but glad to hear you like it! (^○^)


So much thought has gone into everything, that is so impressive. I really thought that he was a gentleman when she told him to stop. I feel like he was really respectful and kind. Plus they did learn allot about each other. Very well written. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


thank you for the kind words, glad to hear you like it! ♡^▽^♡ yah, before making out, they had this "I don't like you" facade, but after all that, no more pretending ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)