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This is a very long post-mortem about the last two updates, spoiler alert if you haven't read #63 & #64.

The last 2 chapters took longer to do cos I had to twist my brain when planning them, to maneuver webtoon's nsfw policy and still get the point across to the readers.

A bad sex scene is like a bad dialog, it doesn't reveal anything about the character or moving the plot forward. Intimate moments makes the characters vulnerable, it peels off how they really feel about each other. The goal of these scenes will be revealed on #65. I'm still waiting for my assistant to finish his part before I finalized everything, ETA within a week.

#63 took a while because of the art, while #64 is harder to write cos she ended up saying no. I redrew some panels to make sure her body language is saying yes (pulling him in etc) before she said no. Little details like this was suggested by one of the beta readers during the feedback on #63. I wanna show he kept going cos he thought she enjoyed it and she also wasn't rejecting him.

This chapter went thru gajillion rounds of self-edit cos the lead male hero can't look like a rapist, otherwise he's no different from the rest of the villains. But I also want to make things closer to reality, North is not a priest, sure he likes her as a person, but he also wants to bed her.  

I got the idea to add the kiss on the mouth after the other kiss while I was waiting for a doctor. It ended up getting better feedback from the beta readers than the original version. Funny how things turned out. I wouldn't have come up with it if I didn't go to the ER a few days before posting lol.

When she said no, he wasn't happily “Oh hey, sure, totally cool here, girl!!” He was frustrated cos she gave so many green lights. Cora is not a regular gal, she emits super potent magical pheromones. That may sound like I'm defending North for losing control, but during their makeout session, there wasn't much blood going to his brain. It's all down south lol.

His behavior may not be idealistic to some, but realistically he should be frustrated. But I also don't want the lead male to come off as a desperate horndog. That would be fine for the villains, but not the hero. These little details take a while to write and edit, to nail certain impression from the readers and I may not hit it 100% either. Also bear in mind that Cora can obliterate him at any moment, but she didn't want to.

It's not easy to figure out what goes on inside the mind of a horny 21 years old virgin alien chick LOL. She wants him but she also doesn't, which is frustrating for those who just wanna to see them going all the way, but imho the dilemma is quite convincing for her character.

Now, some of you may have this burning question... Why aren't they bonking yet?!! Lol...

Well, so far North has:

1. Saved her from getting assaulted, but if you think about it, that's kind of his fault. He tied her up, so she couldn't defend herself.

2. Saved her from drowning, but then again, she wouldn't have drowned if he didn't tie her up.

3. Not taking advantage of her when she was all horny from the love potion inside the love temple. This is simply just the right thing to do.

Those are not enough for Cora to change her core beliefs. Cora takes intimacy very seriously, he would need to do more than that to melt her entire defense. She is lonely from being alone in the wilderness prior to meeting him. She likes him and sexually curious about him, but she still got a hold of herself.

There's this expectation that this story is about a dude who magically turns 180 after bonking a hot babe he met a few days ago. Ehh... not interested in perpetuating a cliché that is too far fetched from reality.

A change of heart is usually triggered by internal motivation, not a hookup. If their relationship is all about sex, that won't be a strong enough of a foundation to deal with the clusterfuck later on. The sex helps getting them attached to each other faster, but it won't be the only thing that holds them together.

Most commented on webtoon: the condom....
The kids are confused why a sexually active 24 years old man carries one with him at all times lol...

I ran most of my plots with my buddy Newt, he brought up the wallet idea. At first I thought, "Well I think in the future they don't need paper money, cos currency will be digital, like in his watch or something, so ppl won't be carrying wallet in the future?"

And Newt was like “They haven't found the cure for STD in the future?? The future sucks!! LOL” 

Me: “The condom is not for STD lol, it's for pregnancy. He visits his neighbor with benefits from time to time and he doesn't want to get her pregnant. Let's assume there is no STD in 2119 lol...” 

That is all.... Feel free to write in your thoughts, and thank you for reading all the way down here! 





Muhahaha...the condom. Let's hope a sexually active 24 year old is carrying condoms with him! That would be the responsible thing to do. On a serious note - I thought this chapter was great and realistic. I'm not shocked by how much thought you put into it. I don't think North comes off as rapey. Frustration is natural in that type of situation. And I totally agree Cora got swept up. But she also thinks her main squeeze is still alive so its one thing to get swept up another to totally abandon your beliefs. I think their relationship is realistic. North gets swept up because she's attractive and the pheremons plus I think he finds her interesting and unlike other women. She might slowly be melting his cold cold heart.


there's always the argument of it doesn't feel as good lol, so some people would rather skip it and absorb all the risks and repercussions lol and thank you for writing your thoughts! so happy to hear that! Cora and Zander's relationship is not very sexual at all, cos they've known each other for so long and he was married to her best friend (it was mentioned around #53 I think). But Cora and North has alot of sparks and passion from the get go lol


Thanks for the reminder I forgot Zander was married! Although she still is kind of pining for him in a way, although less in these last couple of chapters. For obvious reasons. ;-)


that chapter was posted a loongg time ago, hahaha I don't know how many people remember lol... I have to look at my notes sometimes to make sure everything is consistent lol... I'm sure she's pinning on him in a way, cos she doesn't know he's gone yet, but she hasn't seen him in 3 years either. And yes she's been preoccupied with North recently lol....

Morgan Peacock

I think it's incredibly important to show this kind of interpretation.