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Hello awesome people! I hope you're all having a great day.

Out of thousands of readers, you guys and gals are the few who took the time to join my patreon community and also sticking around to support this comic making process. I truly appreciate your contributions, which helps this series to update more consistently.

The internet is a big place, posting work online can result in people loving it or hating it.
Naturally, it is exciting when people are loving the work that I put so many hours in. That's very emotionally rewarding and highly motivating to draw faster and pump more content out.
So thank you for your support through your patronage and your awesome feedback.

What to expect before December ends:

I post things as soon as they're done.
If there's less posts in the beginning of the month, I will make it up with more toward the end or just with a longer chapter. I always try to put more than what's listed below, but here's the bare minimum for this month:

at least 2 comic updates (storywise will move faster toward positive vibe by the end of this month, yay!)
and 2 nsfw posts on for NoRa's fleet and above tier (1 smut to wrap up the cliffhanger last month (lol) + 1 art)

My flatting assistant just requested a few days off this week, so I'm not too sure how early I can get the next chapter out, but I'll do my best as always.

Thanks again and I wish you all a happy week!




Karyl Bertram

“19th Century Patton”... autocorrect fail!! I have dishonored my ancestors! (I’ll just go...) 😂


Of course I'm looking forward to the updates, but I also know this month can be quite busy. I know first hand that being a creator and trying to keep up during the holidays can be a challenge.


thank you for your understanding and yeah, always lots of stuff happenin during the holidays(^∀^)