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Patreon changed their policy in late 2022, so ALL explicit NSFW comics have to be removed from my Patreon in 2023.



Anime Horror Doll

Like a genius artist like you probably would! You're a diamond in the rough I tell you! I absolutely adore your work! I am blown away that your comic isn't featured (or is it? if it isn't it should dammit!) yet even on the art alone! But the story is pretty damn awesome too!

Anime Horror Doll

Wow it cut off half my comment, oh well I was just fangirling anyway (and as a writer, I know a good story when I see one)! I'm always lurking (that makes me sound creepy lol) so gimme a shoutout whenever! Can't wait to see new content you've been speed drawing!


Nah, it isn't featured and I'm pretty sure it will never be lol. I think the content was too risque for an ad supported platform lol, but thanks for the lovely support (^^)v and I'm super happy to hear when people find it, binge it, and love it (^^)v


patreon sometimes cutoff comments, its weird!! It's also not good at notifying things... but anyhow, I've heard a few times that anyone who really get my stuff seems to have some kind of art or creator background? Overall, artist seems to be more open minded to materials that may seems offensive to others... I dunno lol, I'm still navigating this uncharted water of posting stuff on the internet lol... the next stuff I'll post would be the next chapter of this one, to wrap this silly cliffhanger lol