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In the old sketch that I deleted off the prolog last year, Kasei had his eyes closed. I thought of it more as a romantic kiss at the time.
But as time progress, his characterization grew stronger and I thought, there's no way this dude gonna close his eyes during this time lol




Is this the kiss he gave Cora to help her breathe underwater? If so, I totally agree with you! He'll definitely want to see if she's responding (ie, it's helping her breathe) and as much as he's blundered most of his initial interactions with Cora, he's probably more concerned about making sure she's okay and getting her to safety at this point (than seeing it as a chance to steal a kiss lol).


lol yeah, he definitely wants to make sure she's ok. I didn't think of that way back when I drew the prolog. And if he wanted to steal a kiss, he wouldn't do it underwater, cos honestly, that would be pretty uncomfortable in real life but pretty as an image lol


Mo, I absolutely love your style, colours, storyline, context, content, EVERYTHING! Reading your comic is glorifying to my mind and soul! I love the little details, the characters development, plot progression, the engaging content among many more...I just can't get enough! Keep up the wonderful work and THANK YOU! :)


hey thanks! always very heartening to hear that you noticed all the little details, makes the effort feel worthwhile :-) I truly appreciate you taking the time to write it :-) :-)