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Hold your horses, agent!  (o^^o)

Anyways, it has been a busy but unproductive week comic-wise. I planned to edit and re-upload for the contest today, but nope, no time..

TBH, not excited about that webtoon contest.
Mostly due to the recent changes to Webtoon Discover that demonetize all mature comic soon, I see very little incentive for webtoon to promote Discover comic that isn't family friendly for their advertisers ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

Nevertheless, I should at least try my best to submit it to the contest next week, since the first finalists prize comes with feature offer, which will take care of the production cost for a sustainable weekly update.
╭( ・ㅂ・)و



Nancy Aparicio

Don't worry we will always support you regardless of how the contest turns out. And webtoons needs to understand that life is not always family friendly.


aw thanks (o^^o) yah I dunno, webtoon has some mature content on their feature series, but they set different standard for the discover series, probably cos discover comic doesn't have editors that can control what's being published