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Summarized from the information revealed from previous chapters so far, with a few additional non-spoiler info.

I figured out most of their history before the first panel are drawn. Their character history makes them who they are. The way they talk and behaves are derived from this bios.

More will be revealed thru the story in future chapters.
We won't see Rivas and Nikola for a while, since the current story is focusing on the Cora and North.

Editted on April 2, 2018. Previous version says Zander became Cora's lover when she was 17. I misused the term lover, which implies different meaning in english than it is in my native language. So the correct term here is boyfriend, not lover :-)

Feel free to ask any questions about the characters!



Nadene Berger

Thinking about it guys are highly visual creatures hehehe so a hot chic in her fighting costume kicking butt would definitely be highly attractive to guys! Like u said it's not a realistic view of females in reality only guys who have had NO experience with real woman would see a female like this as perfect setting the bar waaaay too high only to be completely crushed if they ever meet a real human woman! I doubt they would know what to do with her anyway lol 😜 I have to agree with you about mangakas brain band with being spent after all that fighting & stuff that they just can't handle romance. Little do they realise they would get so many more fans being exposed to not just the usual love stories but something that you can sink ur teeth into with back bone badass characters & yes romance 😍 my kinda story.

Nadene Berger

One of my fav amines is Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero MC is Akatsuki a seriously strong perverted badass. Alas the series was never completed. Bastard anime cause well he's just such a bastard lol The Devil is a Part-Timer cause he's so dam strong! Of cause bleach (eventually there is cannon) Yay!!!


LOL to be honest, I'm making Cora attractive in a non realistic way to grab the male audience LOL, cos the ladies are in for the hot guys, so gotta draw the dudes with the hot girl LOL 😜


I've heard of that Aesthetica, I'll add it into my long list of anime I need to watch haha. I've heard of Bastard and I will look it up as well, I saw the Devil Part timer and really liked it!