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Editted on April 2, 2018.
Previous artwork has improper anatomy, it's all fixed now :-)



Nadene Berger

Sounds like you have some really exciting chapters in store... I'm got very excited when I read ur comment! Can't wait till April. It will be worth waiting for. I'll keep checking in & giving u support (I hope) 😉


🙂🙂 I hope it meets the expectation, especially the second update in April will escalate more 😁😁 and I'm super grateful for your excitements, support and encouragements so far 😃😃

Nadene Berger

I have to apologize I noticed in my other comments that autocorrect has changed the title of your story from Mission Diversion to Mission Discovery!!! Wtf??? 😶😕😮😱


Autocorrect did that many times to my typo!!😁 It's so annoying cos it's forcing itself 🤔🤔

Nadene Berger

I did reply to it comment above but I don't know what happened to it! Possibly floating in cyberspace somewhere 😜😥😏 anyway I did try to say...just take a deep breath, sit back & relax an just keep on doing what u've been doing! Ur love of drawing & story telling shows in ur creation of Mission Diversion. I know u enjoy being able to share ur awesome talent with ur readers so don't be nervous or stress cause it doing a wonderful job so be proud of urself. I know u definitely won't disappoint ur readers in the chapters to come. That's why I'm so excited for what comes next. I actually meant to ask u once u have ur dialog for the chapter do u have someone look at it? I was just wondering how it's done. I'm like a cat 🐱 always curious (curiosity killed the cat apparently) lol


Duude, thanks for the super sweet encouragements, that really meant alot to hear 😃. And yes, I have two beta readers. After I finished converting the art to webtoon format and add the dialog, beta reader #1 checks for pacing, and grammar, and give initial feedback of the overall chapter. Beta #2 just check for grammar and minor suggestion if I need to tone down the language 😏, he didn't actually see the art. Feel free to ask anything about the process😉

Nadene Berger

So both beta are pc programs? Love how #2 tells u if u need to tone down the language hahaha gr8 idea to have them. Some of the other stories on Discover I've checked out should really take a leaf out of ur book an have spell grammar spacing check! Especially when English isn't their first language. It would be like me writing a story in Thai...I wouldn't know where to start! My mum's always drummed correct grammar into me it's a pet hate of her's which has been pasted into me 😏 hehehe I have to control myself not to correct others all the time! 😶😅 Btw u are so very welcome I just call it as I see it. Credit where credit is due 😉


Oh no, both beta readers are humans lol, I just say beta cos they're like the first who saw the unpolished version. Beta #1 is my significant other. But since we both have very high tolerance to rudeness and profanities, I need to bring someone I trust from outside our social circle to give a second opinion. Beta #2 is my buddy from animation school who lives far away and have different people he interacted with on daily basis. He offers different perspective, since I initially assumed that noone would mind the strong language lol. I prefer Tarantino style language, but I take his advice into consideration and made some compromise 😅


I no longer have time checking out other webtoons recently, but back when I did, I think majorities of the Discover creators are either teenagers or college students. If they live in countries where english is not their first language, I assume maybe they just have no access to native english speakers to check their grammar. I'm actually glad to hear your thought on the grammar, since it's one area I assumed noone would care for since comic is visual driven narrative lol. My first draft has plenty of botched grammar before both beta spotted it out lol. That's why I had the art done like a week before posting and just keep polishing the dialog after 😉

Nadene Berger

Hahaha I had to laugh when u said no my beta are human! Classic dude!!! Yeah I kinda cringe when I see/read incorrect spelling/grammar even in comic style settings. Just can't help it (I'll blame my mum) lol my hubby's shocking at spelling/grammar an just generally stringing sentences together hahaha but then I completely suck when it comes to Maths. Were as he is awesome in my books. So we make a pretty good team. That's so good you have a gr8 team especially for the dialog part

Nadene Berger

I haven't found any of the language offensive that you've used. Besides if you where too sensitive you wouldn't read anything ever! Lol I'm familiar with Tarantino style (dawn till dusk, Kill Bill movies, sin city (also an anime & manga)) yeah I don't his style of writing too.

Nadene Berger

Insert (I don't mind his style) lol 😏 have you watched Evil Dead second movie an yes there's a third 😅 and on Netflix that even have a series called Ash v's Evil...they even managed to get the same actor that originally played Ash in the first & second movies to do the series an he hasn't weathered to bad. Lol I love the black comedy. Of you ever get a chance it's so worth the watch gorey a little sickly twisted, Ash is well basically a jackass pervert but a hero none the less.

Nadene Berger

See autocorrect just can't help it's self changing my words again! 😶


Yeah... I have a few kids asking me to tone down the language and sexual themes despite all the warnings I slapped all over the place... and they're not the target audience to begin with, sigh lol. What are they doing reading R18+ comic lol! I will look for those titles you recommended for sure! Tarantino's Hateful Eight movie is full of swearing and honestly I love it lol

Nadene Berger

Seriously don't change a thing please! They obviously skipped the warning 18+ I haven't seen hateful eight (I don't think) but my memories like a goldfish (30 sec rule) after 30 sec it's all gone! 😏