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My apology for the long delay, I did plan to finish this in March.


PDF attached below.

Previously: Chapter 95 PDF combined

***A quick refresher that is relevant to this chapter:
Way back in Chapter 45, North put this Lightspeed collar called 5M collar on Cora to subdue her so he can take her back to the city.

The collar gave him the upper hand that forced Cora to be stuck with North within 5 meters distance of each other, or she will be electrocuted if she goes outside that perimeter.

Cora can't kill him either cos that collar will decapitate her, if North's heartbeat flat-lined.

North explained that collar to Cora in Chapter 46, and he also used it to capture Zander in Chapter 17.

Cora asked North to release her after she saved his life in Chapter 49, but he can't do that anyway, since only the only two people in Lightspeed who can break the collar's link are the chief or the captain.


There will be 12+ more panels left on this chapter, which I have not drawn yet, but I'm working on it.
That's why Patreon is still paused, and will be paused until I can guarantee a consistent updates in the future.

I'm still trying to catch up on what supposed to be posted in March.


Thank you for your patience, hopefully you enjoy reading the story.





Go to the pinned post to binge all previous chapters in a mobile friendly browser (up to Chapter 93). I haven't got around to update the rest, but will do.

Previously finished PDFs:
-MD CH.92
-MD CH.93
MD CH.94
-MD CH.95




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