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Hey folks, I’m afraid the hiccup will last longer since I had a very unexpected emergency surgery.

My recovery is very slow since my appendix exploded about 24 hours before I made it to the ER.

Still alive thanks to modern medicine and the very kind folks at my local small-town hospital.


I will keep hitting the pause button here so no one will be charged.

 After I’m well, my goal is to finish chapter 96, which I planned to put out a month ago. I’m really sorry for the delay, this appendicitis just came out of nowhere. I was shocked since I considered myself healthy, but apparently it can happen to anyone.

I’ll let you know way ahead of time before resuming Patreon billing.

Until then, my apology and thank you for your patience.

<(_ _ *)>




As someone who's had appendicitis - definitely not fun but glad you made it through it and on the mend - thoughts and prayers for continued recovery


Damn, take ya time girl. Glad the reaper didn’t get you 👍🏾