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I wish to inform you all as to a problem that I've been dealing with for some time now but has recently gotten worse. On several occasions, people have been pledging support to my Patreon and then leaving the very same day. I've even seen repeat offenders in this regard, as well as those who have increased their pledge to the maximum and then quit afterward. I can only assume that they are doing this just to get a look at whatever Patreon exclusives I might have and then leave without being charged.

Now I don't consider myself a greedy person. That being said, I do require your support as I work to build myself up, repay my college loans, and even work towards bigger endeavors. I've been looking into building my own indie video game studio, as well as publishing my own original stories. Your support makes that possible. It allows me to do more of what I love to do. I do like to think that I provide ample works for all of you to enjoy. And I will admit to being annoyed and even fed up with those who duck in just to glance at whatever freebies I might have and then duck out without being charged. Especially when all of you offer me your honest support and I do my all to give you my best.

As such, I am currently planning on switching over to an upfront payment system for new Patrons. I've been reluctant to do so because this is a permanent function that cannot be undone. As such, I would much rather not do it. But at the same time, I honestly don't know what else I can do to address this situation.

Now according to the Patreon guide, this change would not affect any existing Patrons. Still, I wanted to inform you all as to my dilemma and explain why I am currently planning on making this change. Furthermore, here's a link to the FAQ site that explains how Charge Up Front works.  https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283-What-is-charge-up-front- 

I thank you for your time and I hope to hear your thoughts and opinions regarding this action. I do want to keep my Patreon a friendly place for all of you to enjoy.



Well I am sad you have to do this but I understand your reasons for it. I still am happy with my small part.


Thank you. And this is why I decided to inform everyone of my plans and feel out their thoughts and opinions before I make such a change. Because I honestly want to keep this a friendly environment, but I am growing weary of this.


sometime you gotta do what you gotta do. 🤔


so what does this mean for me since i just joined like last week?


Sounds fair


According to the FAQ site, it won't affect you or any other existing Patron. I will be double-checking, just to be sure.


Thanks. That's why I want feedback from all of you. I want to be fair to everyone involved.


Glad you think so. That's why I did things this way; I wanted to get a feel for everybody's opinion before I went ahead.


I realize that. And I don't want for you or anyone else to be charged unfairly. That's why I'm still looking into this.