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Well, I'm getting more work done on various projects, including setting up for the next round of Kinniku Kiss pages. But that's going to take a bit of time. And while I'm working on that, I thought I might as well start getting some ideas about the girl I'll be tackling after Hinata's TF. Namely, one Sakura Haruno.

Now I want to make one thing perfectly clear. I don't want to replicate Hinata's TF with Sakura. Ideally, I'd like to do something a little different with each girl. I also have a few ideas of my own that I'm toying with.

But before I get to that, I'll pose this question to all of you. What kind of ideas do you have for Sakura? What would you like to see me do? So feel free to start tossing around ideas and we'll see what sticks.




Maybe she can get some animals features? like a tail or ears

charles yve antoine capel

I think her as a bullhead in life maybe minotauress will be perfect for her. Or maybe more gifted than the other less buff but muscular no less


What about a 100 healings overload? She always keeps that pool of chakra and already has monstrous strength and the pool overflows giving her a lot more chakra to use. Maybe she stays slimmer but much stronger than the others. She is even more gifted than Tsunade at chakra control after all. Animal characteristics make sense for Anko because of the curse mark’s nature chakra. Hinata and a third eye can make sense because of Otsutsuki stuff, the four arms could just be some sort of offshoot of that too.

dakota m baker

I agree with John Miller, a buff but much slimmer sakura would do just fine. Along with a nice ass.

Matt Chivers

I really like the thought of Hinata transforming into a four armed, third eye otsotsuki type, and for Sakura I think utilizing the inner voice thing and hundred healings somehow would be best. Maybe have an internal view that shows her chakra levels going nuclear while her muscles get really veiny but not so big


i say making her buff like hulk level and fox like due to that wound she got from four tailed naruto so maybe his charka reacts to that since maybe some of that charka got in her. or more of the 100 healing thing or combine the two


I am still not sure. I will need a little bit of time, I have ideas, just need to make them take form,


Take your time. I'm not in any hurry. It'll be a while before I reach the stage with Sakura. I just wanted to get this out so I could start getting feedback.

Mike Smith

It would be funny if she had a second head and was forced to see exactly how much of a pain she can be. lol

John Doe

I think that her tranformation should emphasis her veins, like she is overflowing with chakra. Other than that, maybe some asymetry with her muscles, like her arms muscles are bigger than the rest of her muscles.


Alright here is a list of greatest hits. As I know all aren't going to be included 1. Animal change of some sort Bull and fox are leading, slug I can't see Orion going that way. 2. Skin color change, It would be interesting to see Sakura gain pink skin like her hair (not sure if it is the best color for the purpose of a comic,) Other colors are fine too. 3. A second head would be interesting but the issue is how it forms and that could be a tad body horror. That is because we'll either see some sort of Cronenberg wet dream or something that looks like a strange 1970s film. 4. Power: Sakura despite my dislike of her is still very strong. So we can reflect that in her changes (along with healing but I have no idea how to suggest that) 5. Elemental body ( I have no idea what to suggest so that is why I can't see it)


Uh...not sure about that. I'm trying to avoid wandering into bashing territory. Or what some people might perceive as bashing territory.


Well, I can certainly imagine Sakura enjoying a fuller figure, so to speak.


Both ideas for me to consider. And true, I find Sakura to be quite bull-headed.


Some possibilities for me to consider I'll keep them in mind when it comes time to rough out a sketch.


Well, I spent some time researching the otsotsuki and their connection to the Hyuga clan, so that worked. And I'm not sure about doing massive veins in this case. For some people, it works, but others aren't too fond of that sort of thing.


Thanks. But as I said, I'm not going to rush this. I want to give people time to chime in and let me know their ideas.


I know, listing the ideas in my head. But no matter what I look forward to it.

charles yve antoine capel

You know how a muscle grow in time ''normal'' they're regenerate more bigger after gym or other sport... It's not this complicate maybe Sakura who are smaller than the other in time of rest but when she fight she grow bigger the more she fight. Or more she heal other or help like a heal in video game she gain more muscle


That could work. Though whatever additional change occurs we’ll see how that is complicated. I was stating my ideas, have to get them out.


And that's exactly what I want everybody to do. Get their ideas out so I can consider them.


I am happy to fund this in my small way and offer ideas.