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Hey, hope everyones doing okay with lockdown and everything else.
If anyone needs a chat or anything pls hit me up. It’s hard and lots of ppl are going batshit!!!!! full spectrum from bored and frustrated all the way to full blown neo-nazi omg -  following on from the suprisingly good 60 Minutes episode from this weekend just passed, u can see this White Rose Society piece if u missed it, and Tom Tanuki’s updates about the nazi allegations against old mate punk scene dickhead Ally Spazzy. I drew this picture over a decade ago, about a conversation she and i had in maybe like 2007, so her descent has been………....happening

My first longform comic book thing ‘Our Members Be Unlimited’ is coming along, almost finished now. It’s been such a slog, five years of working on it as it shape shifts, almost one year working at the Amazon warehouse, nearly 250 pages :-V
I am currently finishing giving it a bit of a haircut, adding more shading and playing with the colours, but it’s on track to be ttly finished end of next month. It’s going to come out in Australia and the UK in June next year, and the US sometime roughly around then 😅

I might be a bit quiet on here til I’m done tying it all off, apologies for that. Should be able to post more Patreon stuff a bit more regularly from October onwards once it’s tied off. also looking forward to working on slightly less workery / uniony stuff after that time, looking fwd to becoming a 3D human again soon, might take off my trot-bot industrial horse blinkers lmao. If there are any kinds of topics you’d like to see me draw more about in the future, pls let me know.

i am now done with this ‘labour definition’ series, they are gonna be all clicked together into a grid to make an appendix at the end of the book, i’ve done 60 of them in total. Here are some more newer ones, pls let me know if u think that any of the definitions miss the mark, the final versions that will end up in the book are definitely benefitting from ppl giving critical feedback as they have dripped out on instagram the last while.

Flat Out have printed up a huge number of posters as part of their ‘Homes Not Prisons’ campaign. thanks to u guys’s support i was able to draw, lay out the poster and also get it printed up as this big banner for them for no fee so cheers 4 that

if you would like some copies of the poster (especially if u can hang them at your workplace or something like that), u can get some mailed to u by donation to the campaign. email Minna with your postal address and size + number of posters u want minna@flatout.org.au, mention that u made a donation to them and Flat Out will arrange postage. They are available at huge A1 size (on thin paper, better for street postering) or A2 (on heavier ‘art paper’, for indoor noticeboards and that kind of thing).

photo from the campaign, with jam jar for scale (cute)

Some links for the campaign:
Open letter

made the above piece for Overland to coincide with the Closing Ceremony of the Olympics the other day. The CFMEU in WA sponsored Caity Parker to box at the games, she comes from a union family, they made this shirt with my drawing on it as a small part of their efforts to support her at the Games:

I have one spare if anyone wants pls let me know, first in best dressed PUN INTENDED HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. or u can buy one from here https://shop.wa.cfmeu.org/collections/shirts/products/caity-parker-tokyo-2020 

Geelong Library have another day of strike action planned for next Thursday 26th Sept if u happen to be in that area get along to support. it will be a full day strike and there will also be a picket, should be a good buzz.

my friend John Hughes made this great doco that just came out on Compass on the ABC, about six (catholic anarchist type?!) activists who were facing the prospect of 7 years in jail for entering and protesting at Pine Gap, the secretive US military base in the middle of the desert near Alice Springs. well worth a watch imo!!!!!! https://iview.abc.net.au/show/compass 

also, im sorry i havent mailed any stuff to new supporters, havent been able to access my studio since lockdown started so cant get at my things. i will send some stuff out as soon as things open up again.

cheers thanks again for the support. esp as i focus on finishing this fkn book and am unable to take on much paid work!!!!!

<3 sam


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