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“The dispatch hall is built grey and low, parallel to the street; it’s huge but discreet.
It appears docile, like a tamed giant or a prisoner on parole, trying hard neither to do anything criminal nor to look like he might.”

- Heike Geissler, writing about the German Amazon warehouse where she worked.

Nicky Minus, Safdar Ahmed n myself are having an exhibition up in Sydney next month, featuring old and new works, at the Macquarie University Art Gallery. i've produced some massive fuck-off vinyl works that are all stitched up pretty, and that i've tried holding off on releasing anywhere else, and there is gonna be a grid of 40 of those definitions i've been working on, printed up big and all clicked together. the opening is happening thursday 8th of July - if u wanna come let me know and i'll see if the curator can put anyone more on the door, they're being a bit careful w numbers cos of covid but i am happy to give it a crack.
later that night there's gonna be a 'Read To Me' event happening at which im going to present a chapter from my longform comic book about the time i spent working at the Amazon warehouse in Dandenong South, which will be the first time that work has been out in the world :-v i have to think of some music to go along with the reading, perhaps just blaring white noise would be fitting. or maybe christmas carols on repeat.

Co-worker: “I’ve been here since they opened. They hired 300 then.”
Me: “Oh whoa. And how many of those people are left?”
Co-worker: “Maybe 50? It’s a bit sad when your friends just disappear.”
By the time I finished working at Amazon, only two of the people I started out with remained.

During the afternoon break on that day, my friend Abdulla and I talk about how we get through our days at Amazon. He tells me that he plays games with his perception to pass the time, like I do. He imagines he’s Zeus or another ancient Greek god, battling it out in the air above the aisles of the warehouse. In his fantasy, he can fly, or have any superpower he wants. He goes through his different superpowers, one by one.

the reading is only happening on the 8th of July, but the exhibition is running until the 20th of August if u find urself in sydney anytime before then :-) i usually dont heaps like galleries or formal art shows but i thought this was a nice chance to overlap a bit more formally with my friends Nicky and Safdar, both of whom i respect alot. my old friend Can Yalcinkaya is curating the show, along with Justine Lloyd. it's gonna be accompanied by a satellite exhibition at the Macquarie University Arts Precinct featuring political comics and cartoons from the universities archives & history museum. should be good! come along if u can.

stupid doo-doo ass poster i made for my brothers birthday recently.
who isnt from a regional area that has generations-long rumours of Otways / dandenong / grampians / ventnor panthers????

see also:

finally finished that 'Right-wing Queensland - A Self-fulfilling Prophecy' piece, which shld come out proper through Overland next week. It is designed to be printed up rly big as a street poster - hopefully the text is legible in the digital form, on our little screens 😅😅😅 if not, the text is available to read on google docs here if u want

i am getting a few of them printed up on cotton rn, hemmed, then stitched with loops and trim. i am happy to give one to a Patreon supporter at random, if u log in to Patreon and click "like" on this post i'll randomly draw one of yous next month when i get the things back from Neroli, the seamstress i work with. hav had a couple of ppl ask if it's gonna be available as a poster, it will definitely yup! i'll try make it cheap... will update u here when i've sorted that. 

the above drawing was made in collaboration with a bunch of excellent supermarket workers after a studio visit a couple of weeks ago.
this 'held in common' slogan series is coming along, if u want to print any of them for your workplace organising purposes the 30+ drawings in the series so far can be found at high resolution here . they are also gonna be displayed at this exhibition in sydney.
still looking out for walls to paint sum of these on too if u know of any!

below are a couple of drawings done in solidarity with members at General Mills in NSW whose strike is now heading into its third week. The workers and their union are calling on ppl to boycott Old El Paso tacos until the company comes to the table. visitors to the strike in Rooty Hill are welcome, and the union has released three other things you can do to support the workers:
1. join the national day of action next wednesday: https://fb.me/e/1t5x3argt
2. chip in to support their fight: https://chuffed.org/project/generalmillsstrike
3. sign their petition: https://www.megaphone.org.au/.../general-mills-your...

strikers kids painting the above design onto a banner , i'm not crying you're crying:

thanks to the new supporters who have come on board recently, and to the rest of u who are sticking around!!! i have mailed stuff out to everyone new who provided their postal address except 3 of yas, will get on to u remaining good ppl this arvo. if anyone feels like they havent got stuff in a while hit me up n i'll send u some things in the mail :-)

PS here is a video of Glenn Greenwald describing one of my cartoons to extreme piece of shit american tv host Tucker Carlson a couple of weeks ago. someone sent me this link and i got so freaked out when i realised what it was that i closed the browser and didnt look at it for another week hahahaha, r.i.p. Greenwald u fucking suck these days :-C that cartoon feels very different, like its charge has been reversed when a far right psycho like Tucker Carlson is laughing at it https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1389736006438375430 




Loved this and the panels! Looking forward to your Nicky Minus' and Safdar Ahmed's exhibition in Sydney! ❤


Thanks for the shoutout, Sam! Can't wait to see you soon <3. And OMG that video is creepy! That laugh!