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hey mates, i thought we cld try another poll out n see what ppl think i shld draw next.

  • OPTION 1 - something about australia being a nation of cops / '25 million cops'. maybe a design that cld work printed on a patch or something later on.
  • OPTION 2 - a piece reflecting on the brutal IR omnibus legislation currently moving thru parliament. hard to know how to draw about this in a constructive or mobilising way but i cld give it a crack.
  • OPTION 3 - an ornate drawing of the line “using power builds power”, a quote from Sara Nelson of the US flight attendants union. Not a super topical idea but cld be pretty, maybe...
  • OPTION 4 - something about the attempts to grab Sydneys Mardi Gras back from corporate control. Prolly specifically celebrating the excellent 'Pride in Protest' group, some of their vision and demands 
  • OPTION 5 - a celebration and defence of “parklets”, the mini parks and outdoor dining n drinking spots that have popped up in car parking spots across inner Melbourne since covid. Lots of councils are getting ready to reclaim them to get back parking fees. it's kinda dorky terrain but cld give the chance to talk about some civic-space reimagining kinda stuff, and to tell cars to go fuck themselves...

worker slogan series is coming along, there's a new one above. i've sent out PDFs of the images to a few places round the world for some angels to stick up in streets. I think I mentioned previously, im happy to produce translations of any of them if that might come in handy.

i started an instagram page with the above piccies, and it'll be where i eventually post a bunch of pages from my longform book https://www.instagram.com/ourmembersbeunlimited/ 

eventually once i've done maybe 50+ of the 'labour lingo' series i'm gonna lay em all out in a grid sorta like this, might make them part of the longform book somehow, or perhaps a huge stand-alone poster. Hopefully a good broad educational resource!

drew the pic below this week for UWU farm workers celebrating International Womens Day in a few days. n specifically for them having gotten two sleazebag managers fired!!!

in celebration of mardi gras being this wk i thought i'd send this excellent extremely trashy playlist that Gavin Campbell made a while ago to mark the 25th anniversary of the Tasty nightclub raid, featuring lots of music that wld've been played there that night.  https://open.spotify.com/playlist/42NBZBO1AF1hlX4mX9S1Cb if folks don't know about the raid, in 1994 (!) Victoria Police strip searched, cavity searched (!) and brutalised 463 (!) patrons at Tasty Nightclub on flinders street in melbourne, for literally no reason except what was in the officers souls n holes. no coppers in Pride ploiz geez, n enjoy the playlist if ur into camp stuff! and thanks for voting in the poll if u want to <3
